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Annual static water level basic data report, Tucson Basin and Avra Valley, Pima County, Arizona, 1998
Little Colorado River Basin, Arizona-New Mexico: Appendix II, Water resources
Soil Conservation Service, Economic Research Service, and Forest Service, 1981, Little Colorado River Basin, Arizona-New Mexico: Appendix II, Water resources: U.S. Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service, [244] p.
Geostatistical analysis and inverse modeling of the Avra Valley aquifer [abs.], in Harwood, Gerald, ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 11
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Determination of transmissivity values in the Salt River Valley using recovery tests, specific capacity data and DWR driller log program, in Harwood, Gerald, ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 11
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Characterization of hydraulic conductivity of the alluvium and basin fill, Pinal Creek Basin near Globe, Arizona
Angeroth, C.E., 2002, Characterization of hydraulic conductivity of the alluvium and basin fill, Pinal Creek Basin near Globe, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4205, 27 p.
Characteristics of shallow deposits beneath Rillito Creek, Pima County, Arizona
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Geohydrologic data in the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservation, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, Part 3: Selected lithologic logs, drillers' logs, and stratigraphic sections
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Hydrologic and drill-hole data, San Xavier Indian Reservation and vicinity, Pima County, Arizona
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