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Keywords Group
Generalized maps showing distribution, lithology, and age of Cenozoic igneous rocks in the western United States, in Smith, R. B., and Eaton, G.P., eds., Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics of the western Cordillera
Regional tilt patterns of late Cenozoic basin-range fault blocks, western United States
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Basin-Range structure in western North America: A review, in Smith, R.B., and Eaton, G.P., eds., Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics of the western Cordillera
Stewart, J.H., 1978, Basin-Range structure in western North America: A review, in Smith, R.B., and Eaton, G.P., eds., Cenozoic tectonics and regional geophysics of the western Cordillera: Geological Society of America Memoir 152, p. 1-31.
Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic igneous rocks, in Mallory, W.W., ed.-in-chief, Geologic atlas of the Rocky Mountain region
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Possible controls of base- and precious-metal mineralization associated with Tertiary detachment faults in the lower Colorado River trough, Arizona and California
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Relationship between Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic features in west central Arizona and adjacent southeastern California
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Interaction between Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic features in the Buckskin Mountains and adjacent areas, west-central Arizona and southeastern California [abs.]
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Relationship of the Transition Zone to Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonism in the Basin and Range Province, Ariz.[abs.]
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Tectonic implications of space-time patterns of Cenozoic magmatism in the western United States
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