Hamblin, W.K., 1963, Transition between the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range in southern Utah and northern Arizona [abs.], in Abstracts for 1962: Geological Society of America Special Paper 73, p. 85.
Keywords Group
Transition between the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range in southern Utah and northern Arizona [abs.], in Abstracts for 1962
Cenozoic geomorphic history of the Oak Creek Canyon region, Arizona [abs.]
Mears, B., Jr., 1950, Cenozoic geomorphic history of the Oak Creek Canyon region, Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 61, no. 12, p. 1557.
Structural and stratigraphic expression of late Cenozoic extensional tectonism, eastern and northern Payson Basin, central Arizona
Martin, E.R., 1990, Structural and stratigraphic expression of late Cenozoic extensional tectonism, eastern and northern Payson Basin, central Arizona: Flagstaff, Northern Arizona University, M.S. thesis, 138 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:24,000.
Some structural features in southern Arizona [abs.]
Lutton, R.J., 1958, Some structural features in southern Arizona [abs.]: Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. 1, p. 51.
Geology of the Campo Bonito area, Oracle, Arizona
Ludden, R.W., 1950, Geology of the Campo Bonito area, Oracle, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 52 p.
Laramide, Galiuro, and San Andreas orogenies, Ray-Superior area, Pinal County, Arizona - Arizona Geological Society 1985 Fall Field Trip
Keith, Stanley B., 1984, Laramide, Galiuro, and San Andreas orogenies, Ray-Superior area, Pinal County, Arizona - Arizona Geological Society 1985 Fall Field Trip: Arizona Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, 167 p.
Cainozoic evolution of the state of stress and style of tectonism of the Basin and Range province of the western United States
Zoback, M.L., Anderson, R.E., and Thompson, G.A., 1981, Cainozoic evolution of the state of stress and style of tectonism of the Basin and Range province of the western United States: Royal Society of London, Philosophical Transactions, series A, v. 300, p. 189-216.
Pre-Basin and Range uplift and Miocene volcanism along the west edge of the Colorado Plateau, Mohave County, Arizona [abs.]
Young, R.A., Brennan, W.J., Lucchitta, Ivo, and McKee, E.H., 1975, Pre-Basin and Range uplift and Miocene volcanism along the west edge of the Colorado Plateau, Mohave County, Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 7, no. 7, p. 1324-1325.
Laramide deformation, erosion and plutonism along the southwestern margin of the Colorado Plateau
Young, R.A., 1979, Laramide deformation, erosion and plutonism along the southwestern margin of the Colorado Plateau: Tectonophysics, v. 61, p. 25-47.
Structural geology of a tectonic boundary which juxtaposes cratonic North America and a Mesozoic sedimentary terrane, northern Dome Rock Mountains, western Arizona [abs.]
Yeats, K.J., 1985, Structural geology of a tectonic boundary which juxtaposes cratonic North America and a Mesozoic sedimentary terrane, northern Dome Rock Mountains, western Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 17, no. 6, p. 419.