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Keywords Group
Geology and Mineral Resources of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Southeastern Arizona, with sections by Daniel M. Unruh and Robert J. Kamilli
Geology of the Socorro Mine - White Marble Mine area, western Harquahala Mountains, west-central Arizona
Richard, S.M., 1999, Geology of the Socorro Mine - White Marble Mine area, western Harquahala Mountains, west-central Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-09, 35 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:12,000.
Influence of inherited Precambrian basement structure on the localization and form of Laramide monoclines, Grand Canyon, Arizona in Schmidt, C.J., Chase, R.B., and Erslev, E.A., eds., Laramide Basement Deformation in the Rocky Mountain...
Huntoon, P.W., 1993, Influence of inherited Precambrian basement structure on the localization and form of Laramide monoclines, Grand Canyon, Arizona in Schmidt, C.J., Chase, R.B., and Erslev, E.A., eds., Laramide Basement Deformation in the Rocky Mountain Foreland of the Western United States: Geological Society of America Special Paper 280, p. 243-256.
Monocline development by oblique-slip fault-propagation folding: the East Kaibab monocline, Colorado Plateau, Utah
Tindall, S.E., and Davis, G.H., 1999, Monocline development by oblique-slip fault-propagation folding: the East Kaibab monocline, Colorado Plateau, Utah: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 21, no. 10, p. 1303-1320.
Evaporite karst in the western part of the Holbrook Basin, Arizona, in Beck, B.F., and Stephenson, J.B., eds., The Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology of Karst Terranes
Neal, J.T., and Colpitts, R.M., 1997, Evaporite karst in the western part of the Holbrook Basin, Arizona, in Beck, B.F., and Stephenson, J.B., eds., The Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology of Karst Terranes: Rotterdam, Netherlannds, A.A. Balkema, p. 107-115.
Tectonic evolution of Paleoproterozoic rocks in the Grand Canyon: Insights into middle-crustal processes
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Richard Lake, an evaporite-karst depression in the Holbrook Basin, Arizona
Neal, J.T., and Colpitts, R.M., 1997, Richard Lake, an evaporite-karst depression in the Holbrook Basin, Arizona: Carbonates and Evaporites, v. 12, no. 1, p. 91-98.
A shear-zone model for the structural evolution of metamorphic core complexes in southeastern Arizona, in Coward, M.P., Dewey, J.F., and Hancock, P.L., eds., Continental extensional tectonics
Davis, G.H., 1987, A shear-zone model for the structural evolution of metamorphic core complexes in southeastern Arizona, in Coward, M.P., Dewey, J.F., and Hancock, P.L., eds., Continental extensional tectonics: Geological Society of London Special Publication no. 28, p. 247-266.
Structure and kinematics of the Plomosa Pass area, N. Plomosa Mtns., AZ [abs.]
Steinke, T.R., Boettcher, S.S., and Mosher, S., 1996, Structure and kinematics of the Plomosa Pass area, N. Plomosa Mtns., AZ [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, no. 5, p. 114.
Geologic mapping in the northern Dome Rock and Plomosa Mtns., AZ [abs.]
Boettcher, S.S., Steinke, T., and Mosher, S., 1996, Geologic mapping in the northern Dome Rock and Plomosa Mtns., AZ [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, no. 5, p. 50-51.