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Keywords Group
Tributary debris fans and the late Holocene alluvial chronology of the Colorado River, eastern Grand Canyon, Arizona
A 4500-year record of large floods on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, Arizona
O'Connor, J.E., Ely, L.L., Wohl, E.E., Stevens, L.E., Melis, T.E., Kale, V.S., and Baker, V.R., 1994, A 4500-year record of large floods on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, Arizona: Journal of Geology, v. 102, no. 1, p. 1-9.
Cosmogenic 3He exposure ages of debris flows and lava dam outburst floods in the Grand Canyon, USA [abs.]
Cerling, T.E., Webb, R.H., and Poreda, R.J., 1995, Cosmogenic 3He exposure ages of debris flows and lava dam outburst floods in the Grand Canyon, USA [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 76, no. 46, p. F684.
Seismic hazard posed by the Sugarloaf fault, central Arizona
Pearthree, P.A., Vincent, K.R., Brazier, Rick, Fellows, L.D., and Davis, O.K., 1995, Seismic hazard posed by the Sugarloaf fault, central Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 95-07, 40 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:12,350.
Mollusk shells found in alluvium at Buell Park, Apache County, Arizona
Drake, R.J., 1949, Mollusk shells found in alluvium at Buell Park, Apache County, Arizona: Plateau, v. 22, no. 2, p. 26-31.
Geomorphic surfaces and underlying deposits of the Mohave Mountains piedmont, lower Colorado River, Arizona
Wilshire, H.G., and Reneau, S.L., 1992, Geomorphic surfaces and underlying deposits of the Mohave Mountains piedmont, lower Colorado River, Arizona: Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, v. 36, no. 2, p. 207-226.
Windows to the past: Fossils of the San Pedro Valley
Lindsay, E.H., 1984, Windows to the past: Fossils of the San Pedro Valley: Fieldnotes [Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology], v. 14, no. 4, p. 1-9.
The Lehner mammoth site
Haury, E.W., Sayles, E.B., and Wasley, W.W., 1959, The Lehner mammoth site: American Antiquity, v. 25, no. 1, p. 2-30, 39-42.
Geological age of the Lehner mammoth site
Antevs, Ernst, 1959, Geological age of the Lehner mammoth site: American Antiquity, v. 25, no. 1, p. 31-34, 39-42.
On the Cenozoic uplift and tectonic stability of the Colorado Plateau
Morgan, P., and Swanberg, C.A., 1985, On the Cenozoic uplift and tectonic stability of the Colorado Plateau: Journal of Geodynamics, v. 3, no. 1/2, p. 39-63.