Wilson, J.P., 1995, The mining frontier, in Farrell, M.M., and others, Tearing up the ground with splendid results: Historic mining on the Coronado National Forest: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southwestern Region, Heritage Resources Management Report no. 15, p. 3-26.
Keywords Group
The mining frontier, in Farrell, M.M., and others, Tearing up the ground with splendid results: Historic mining on the Coronado National Forest
Tearing up the ground with splendid results: Historic mining on the Coronado National Forest
Farrell, M.M., Gillespie, W.B., McDonald, J.A., Spoerl, P.M., and Wilson, J.P., 1995, Tearing up the ground with splendid results: Historic mining on the Coronado National Forest: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southwestern Region, Heritage Resources Management Report no. 15, 75 p.
Geology, geochemistry, and mineralogy of the Ridenour Mine breccia pipe, Arizona
Wenrich, K.J., Verbeek, E.R., Sutphin, H.B., Modreski, P.J., Van Gosen, B.S., and Detra, D.E., 1990, Geology, geochemistry, and mineralogy of the Ridenour Mine breccia pipe, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-0504, 66 p.
Mineral deposits of the Bullard mineral district, Harcuvar Mountains, Yavapai County, Arizona
Spencer, J.E., and Reynolds, S.J., 1992, Mineral deposits of the Bullard mineral district, Harcuvar Mountains, Yavapai County, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-01, 19 p.
Mid-Tertiary ore deposits in Arizona
Spencer, J.E., and Welty, J.W., 1989, Mid-Tertiary ore deposits in Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 86-12, 40 p. [superseded by Spencer, J.E., and Welty, J.W. (1989), in Arizona Geological Society Digest 17, p. 585-607].
Influences of structure on Jurassic depositional patterns and uranium occurrences, northwestern New Mexico, in Fassett, J.E., and James, H.L., eds., Guidebook of San Juan Basin III, northwestern New Mexico
Huffman, A.C., Jr., and Lupe, R.D., 1977, Influences of structure on Jurassic depositional patterns and uranium occurrences, northwestern New Mexico, in Fassett, J.E., and James, H.L., eds., Guidebook of San Juan Basin III, northwestern New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society 28th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 277-283.
Geology and geochemistry of the Yarnell gold deposit
Page, T.C., Miller, M.A., Gibson, P.C., and Sell, J.D., 1994, Geology and geochemistry of the Yarnell gold deposit: Mining Engineering, v. 46, no. 9, p. 1061-1064.
Erosion and collapse of volcanoes: Causes of telescoping in intrusion-centered ore deposits
Sillitoe, R.H., 1994, Erosion and collapse of volcanoes: Causes of telescoping in intrusion-centered ore deposits: Geology, v. 22, no. 10, p. 945-948.
Mineral resource potential map of the Lower San Francisco Wilderness Study Area, Greenlee County, Arizona and Catron and Grant Counties, New Mexico [Big Lue Mts. 7.5 min]
Ratte, J.C., Hassemer, J.R., Martin, R.A., and Lane, Michael, 1982, Mineral resource potential map of the Lower San Francisco Wilderness Study Area, Greenlee County, Arizona and Catron and Grant Counties, New Mexico [Big Lue Mts. 7.5 min]: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-1463-C, 6 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500.
Volcanic-epithermal deposits in the Mogollon-Datil Volcanic Field, west-central New Mexico, in Chamberlin, R.M., Kues, B.S., Cather, S.M., Barker, J.M., and McIntosh, W.C., eds., Mogollon Slope, west-central New Mexico and east-central...
McLemore, V.T., 1994, Volcanic-epithermal deposits in the Mogollon-Datil Volcanic Field, west-central New Mexico, in Chamberlin, R.M., Kues, B.S., Cather, S.M., Barker, J.M., and McIntosh, W.C., eds., Mogollon Slope, west-central New Mexico and east-central Arizona: New Mexico Geological Society 45th Field Conference Guidebook, p. 299-309.