Stewart, J.H., 1988, Latest Proterozoic and Paleozoic margin of North America and the accretion of Mexico: Geology, v. 16, no. 2, p. 186-189.
Plate Tectonics
Keywords Group
Latest Proterozoic and Paleozoic margin of North America and the accretion of Mexico
Paleocurrent evidence for lateral dispalcement of the Pliocene Colorado River delta by the San Andreas fault system, southeastern California
Winker, C.D., and Kidwell, S.M., 1986, Paleocurrent evidence for lateral dispalcement of the Pliocene Colorado River delta by the San Andreas fault system, southeastern California: Geology, v. 14, no. 9, p. 788-791.
Potassium-argon dating of igneous and metamorphic rocks with applications to the basin ranges of Arizona and Sonora, Appendix A-II, in Damon, P.E., Correlation and chronology of ore deposits and volcanic rocks, Annual Progress Report no....
Damon, P.E., 1967, Potassium-argon dating of igneous and metamorphic rocks with applications to the basin ranges of Arizona and Sonora, Appendix A-II, in Damon, P.E., Correlation and chronology of ore deposits and volcanic rocks, Annual Progress Report no. COO-689-76: Tucson, University of Arizona, Geochronology Laboratories, p. AII.1-AII.71.
Reply to discussion (by S.I. Dutch) of 'The Colorado Lineament: A middle Precambrian wrench fault system' by L.A. Warner
Warner, L.A., 1979, Reply to discussion (by S.I. Dutch) of 'The Colorado Lineament: A middle Precambrian wrench fault system' by L.A. Warner: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 90, Part 1, no. 3, p. 314-316.
Tectonic significance of gravity and aeromagnetic investigations at the head of the Gulf of California
Sumner, J.R., 1972, Tectonic significance of gravity and aeromagnetic investigations at the head of the Gulf of California: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 83, no. 10, p. 3103-3120, 1 sheet, scales 1:750,000 and 1:1:000,000.
Tectonic significance of gravity and aeromagnetic investigations in Sonora and Arizona at the head of the Gulf of California [abs.]
Sumner, J.R., 1971, Tectonic significance of gravity and aeromagnetic investigations in Sonora and Arizona at the head of the Gulf of California [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 3, no. 2, p. 204-205.
The Miocene Mohon Mountains Volcanic Field, west-central Arizona: Geology, geochemistry, and petrogenesis
Simmons, A.M., 1990, The Miocene Mohon Mountains Volcanic Field, west-central Arizona: Geology, geochemistry, and petrogenesis: Buffalo, State University of New York, Ph.D. dissertation, 156 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:24,000.
Nd and Sr isotope chronostratigraphy of Colorado Plateau lithosphere: Implications for magmatic and tectonic underplating of the continental crust
Wendlandt, Eric, DePaolo, D.J., and Baldridge, W.S., 1993, Nd and Sr isotope chronostratigraphy of Colorado Plateau lithosphere: Implications for magmatic and tectonic underplating of the continental crust: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 116, p. 23-43.
Early to mid-Tertiary inverted gradient under the Colorado Plateau: Evidence from eclogite xenoliths in ultramafic microbreccias, Navajo Volcanic Field
Helmstaedt, H.H., and Schulze, D.J., 1991, Early to mid-Tertiary inverted gradient under the Colorado Plateau: Evidence from eclogite xenoliths in ultramafic microbreccias, Navajo Volcanic Field: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 96, no. B8, p. 13,225-13,235.
U-Pb geochronologic constraints on Early Proterozoic crustal evolution, upper Granite Gorge, Grand Canyon, Arizona [abs.]
Hawkins, D.P., Bowring, S.A., and Karlstrom, K.E., 1993, U-Pb geochronologic constraints on Early Proterozoic crustal evolution, upper Granite Gorge, Grand Canyon, Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 25, no. 6, p. A-238.