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Keywords Group
Space-time-composition patterns of late Cenozoic mafic volcanism, southwestern Utah and adjoining areas
Overview of Quaternary deposits in the Grand Canyon [abs.]
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Magnetostratigraphy of the basin fill sediments at Palo Verde Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona [abs.]
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A paleomagnetic chronology of the San Francisco volcanic field, in Sutherland, D.H., ed., Contributions to the geology of northern Arizona; Memorial to Major Brady
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Red Rock Country: The geologic history of the Colorado Plateau
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Earth fissures in the Stewart area of the Willcox Basin, Cochise County, Arizona
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A Late Pleistocene mastodon (Mammut americanum) from Pinal County, Arizona [abs.]
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Late Pleistocene alluvium and megafauna dung deposits of the central Colorado Plateau, in Davis, G.H., and VandenDolder, E.M., eds., Geologic diversity of Arizona and its margins: Excursions to choice areas; Geological Society of America...
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New Pliocene and Pleistocene megafauna localities from northern Arizona [abs.]
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Cenozoic stratigraphy and paleo-hydrology of the Redington-San Manuel area, San Pedro Valley, Arizona
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