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Keywords Group
Recognition and significance of streamflow-dominated piedmont facies in extensional basins
Plio-Quaternary faulting and seismic hazard in the Flagstaff area, northern Arizona
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Cenozoic climate in the arid southwest, in Heindl, L.A., ed., Cenozoic Geology of Arizona - A Symposium
Anderson, R.Y., 1962, Cenozoic climate in the arid southwest, in Heindl, L.A., ed., Cenozoic Geology of Arizona - A Symposium: Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. 5, p. 25-34.
Miocene-Pliocene half-graben evolution, detachment faulting and late-stage core complex uplift from reflection seismic data in south-east Arizona
Kruger, J.M., Johnson, R.A., and Houser, B.B., 1995, Miocene-Pliocene half-graben evolution, detachment faulting and late-stage core complex uplift from reflection seismic data in south-east Arizona: Basin Research, v. 7, p. 129-149.
Mafic volcanism in the Colorado Plateau / Basin-and-Range Transition Zone, Hurricane, Utah [abs.]
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Magmatic evidence for lithospheric thinning beneath the central Colrado [sic] Plateau between 28.5Ma and 4Ma [abs.]
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Three-dimensional analysis of Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data for upper Cenozoic volcanic rocks, Colorado Platueau-Basin and Range transition zone [abs.]
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Geomorphic surfaces and underlying deposits of the Mohave Mountains piedmont, lower Colorado River, Arizona
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A new beaver from the Pliocene of Arizona with notes on the species of Dipoides
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A new genus of the family Vespertilionidae from the San Pedro Pliocene of Arizona
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