Holzer, T.L., and Thatcher, W., 1979, Modeling deformation due to subsidence faulting, in Saxena, S.K., ed., Evaluation and prediction of subsidence: American Society of Civil Engineers, International Conference, Pensacola Beach, Fla., 1978, Proceedings, p. 349-357.
Quaternary Faulting
Keywords Group
Modeling deformation due to subsidence faulting, in Saxena, S.K., ed., Evaluation and prediction of subsidence
Selected hydrogeologic problems in central Arizona, in Davis, G.H., and VandenDolder, E.M., eds., Geologic diversity of Arizona and its margins: Excursions to choice areas; Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 100th, Phoenix,...
Holzer, T.L., and Lluria, M.R., 1987, Selected hydrogeologic problems in central Arizona, in Davis, G.H., and VandenDolder, E.M., eds., Geologic diversity of Arizona and its margins: Excursions to choice areas; Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 100th, Phoenix, Arizona, October 26-29, 1987, Field-trip guidebook: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Special Paper 5, p. 205-211.
Ground failure caused by groundwater withdrawal from unconsolidated sediments--United States, in Johnson, A.I., Carbognin, L., and Ubertini, L., eds., Land subsidence: International Symposium on Land Subsidence, Third, Venice, Italy, 19...
Holzer, T.L., 1986, Ground failure caused by groundwater withdrawal from unconsolidated sediments--United States, in Johnson, A.I., Carbognin, L., and Ubertini, L., eds., Land subsidence: International Symposium on Land Subsidence, Third, Venice, Italy, 19-25 March 1984, Proceedings: International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Publication no. 151, p. 747-756.
Surface deformation near ground failure associated with ground-water withdrawal [abs.]
Holzer, T.L., 1985, Surface deformation near ground failure associated with ground-water withdrawal [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 66, no. 46, p. 850.
Ground failure induced by ground-water withdrawal from unconsolidated sediments, in Holzer, T.L., ed., Man-induced land subsidence
Holzer, T.L., 1984, Ground failure induced by ground-water withdrawal from unconsolidated sediments, in Holzer, T.L., ed., Man-induced land subsidence: Geological Society of America, Reviews in Engineering Geology, v. 6, p. 67-105.
Ups and downs - A reply to 'Is there a Casa Grande bulge and will it cause earthquakes in Arizona?'
Holzer, T.L., 1981, Ups and downs - A reply to 'Is there a Casa Grande bulge and will it cause earthquakes in Arizona?': Fieldnotes [Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology], v. 11, no. 1, p. 9-11.
Surface effects from ground-water withdrawal in arid areas [abs.]
Holzer, T.L., 1979, Surface effects from ground-water withdrawal in arid areas [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 11, no. 3, p. 84-85.
Elastic expansion of the lithosphere caused by ground-water withdrawal in south-central Arizona [abs.]
Holzer, T.L., 1979, Elastic expansion of the lithosphere caused by ground-water withdrawal in south-central Arizona [abs.]: Tectonophysics, v. 52, p. 304.
Elastic expansion of the lithosphere caused by ground-water depletion
Holzer, T.L., 1979, Elastic expansion of the lithosphere caused by ground-water depletion: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 84, no. B9, p. 4689-4698.
Results from exploratory drilling near the Picacho Fault, south-central Arizona [abs.]
Holzer, T.L., 1979, Results from exploratory drilling near the Picacho Fault, south-central Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 11, no. 3, p. 84.