Simons, F.S., 1964, Geology of the Klondyke quadrangle, Graham and Pinal Counties, Arizona [Klondyke, Oak Grove Canyon, Cobre Grande Mtn., and Booger Canyon 7.5 min]: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 461, 173 p.
Keywords Group
Geology of the Klondyke quadrangle, Graham and Pinal Counties, Arizona [Klondyke, Oak Grove Canyon, Cobre Grande Mtn., and Booger Canyon 7.5 min]
The geologic distribution and genesis of the metals in the Santa Rita-Patagonia Mountains, Arizona
Schrader, F.C., 1917, The geologic distribution and genesis of the metals in the Santa Rita-Patagonia Mountains, Arizona: Economic Geology, v. 12, no. 3, p. 237-269.
Mineral deposits of the Santa Rita and Patagonia Mountains, Arizona, with contributions by J.M. Hill
Schrader, F.C., 1915, Mineral deposits of the Santa Rita and Patagonia Mountains, Arizona, with contributions by J.M. Hill: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 582, 373 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:125,000.
Reconnaissance geology of the northern Plomosa Mountains, with assistance by J.C. Wilt and S.B. Keith
Scarborough, R.B., and Meader, N.G., 1983, Reconnaissance geology of the northern Plomosa Mountains, with assistance by J.C. Wilt and S.B. Keith: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 83-24, 35 p.
Contact metamorphism and metasomatism of Paleozoic rocks near Stronghold Canyon, Dragoon Mountain, Arizona
Rushing, J.A., 1978, Contact metamorphism and metasomatism of Paleozoic rocks near Stronghold Canyon, Dragoon Mountain, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 96 p.
Ore deposits of the Saddle Mountain and Banner Mining Districts, Arizona
Ross, C.P., 1925, Ore deposits of the Saddle Mountain and Banner Mining Districts, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 771, 72 p., 5 sheets, scales 1:1,500, 1:3,800, 1:62,500, and 1:130,000
Hydrothermal alteration, in Barnes, H.L., ed., Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits (2d ed.)
Rose, A.W., and Burt, D.M., 1979, Hydrothermal alteration, in Barnes, H.L., ed., Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore deposits (2d ed.): New York, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 173-235.
Maps showing mineral resource assessment of the Silver City 1o x 2o quadrangle, New Mexico and Arizona
Richter, D.H., Sharp, W.N., Watts, K.C., Raines, G.L., Houser, B.B., and Klein, D.P., 1986, Maps showing mineral resource assessment of the Silver City 1o x 2o quadrangle, New Mexico and Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1310-F, 24 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Structure and mineralization, Silver Bell, Arizona [abs.]
Richard, K.E., and Courtright, J.H., 1954, Structure and mineralization, Silver Bell, Arizona [abs.]: Economic Geology, v. 49, no. 1, p. 123.
Controls on lead-zinc skarn mineralization, Iron Cap mine area, Aravaipa district, Graham County, Arizona
Reiter, B.E., 1981, Controls on lead-zinc skarn mineralization, Iron Cap mine area, Aravaipa district, Graham County, Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. 13, p. 117-125.