Casavant, R.R., and Wagner, Shandra, 2001, Regional transverse fault fabrics, NE Arizona: Potential relevance to basin architectures, paleodeposition, and groundwater recharge and storage [abs.], in, Etheridge, Alexandra, ed., Annual Symposium, 14th, September 12-15, 2001, Proceedings: Arizona Hydrologic Society, p. 26-27
Keywords Group
Regional transverse fault fabrics, NE Arizona: Potential relevance to basin architectures, paleodeposition, and groundwater recharge and storage [abs.], in, Etheridge, Alexandra, ed., Annual Symposium, 14th, September 12-15, 2001,...
The regional aquifer near Flagstaff, Arizona--Structural controls on ground-water conditions [abs.], in Water Issues and Partnerships for Rural Arizona, Annual Symposium, Extended Abstracts, Twelfth, September 8-11, 1999, White Mountains...
Bills, D.J., Truini, M., Flynn, M.E., Pierce, H.A., Catchings, R.D., and Rymer, M.J., 1999, The regional aquifer near Flagstaff, Arizona--Structural controls on ground-water conditions [abs.], in Water Issues and Partnerships for Rural Arizona, Annual Symposium, Extended Abstracts, Twelfth, September 8-11, 1999, White Mountains of Arizona, Proceedings: Arizona Hydrological Society, [variously paged].
Hydrologic mechanisms and optimization of in-situ copper leaching: case study-BHP Copper, San Manuel, Arizona
Multiscale analyses of permeability in porous and fractured media
Geologic maps and cross sections of selected areas in the Rawhide and Buckskin Mountains, La Paz and Mohave Counties, Arizona
Structural and stratigraphic relationships of mid-Tertiary strata in the Hackberry Wash-Indian Camp Wash intramontane depression, Tortilla Mountains, Pinal County, Arizona
Geologic map of the Lower Grand Wash Cliffs and vicinity, Mohave County, Northwestern Arizona
Billingsley, G.H., Beard, L.S., Priest, S.S., Wellmeyer, J.L., and Block, D.L., 2004, Geologic map of the Lower Grand Wash cliffs and vicinity, Mohave County, Northwestern Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Geologic Miscellaneous Field Studies Map MF-2427, 24p., 1 sheet, scale 1:31,680
Breccia-pipe and geologic map of the southwestern part of the Hualapai Indian Reservation and vicinity, Arizona
Billingsley, G.H., Wenrich, K.J., Huntoon, P.W., and Young, R.A., 1999, Breccia-pipe and geologic map of the southwestern part of the Hualapai Indian Reservation and vicinity, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2554, 50 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:48,000.
Fracture intersections and domes, in Exploration guides in southern Arizona
Wertz, J.B., 1968, Fracture intersectionsa and domes, in Exploration guides in southern Arizona: Western Miner (Vancouver, Western Miner Press), v. 41, Oct. 1968, p. 99-103.
Geologic map of the North of Oracle 7 1/2' Quadrangle, southeastern Pinal County, Arizona
Orr, T.R., Shipman, T.C., and Spencer, J.E., 2004, Geologic map of the North of Oracle 7 1/2' Quadrangle, southeastern Pinal County, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Digital Geologic Map 23 (DGM-23, v. 2.0), 1 CD-ROM (1 sheet, scale 1:24,000).