U.S. Geological Survey, 1973, Availability of ground water in the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservations, in Geological Survey research 1973: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 850, p. 102.
Black Mesa(CP)
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Availability of ground water in the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservations, in Geological Survey research 1973
Shallow subsurface temperatures and some estimates of heat flow from the Colorado Plateau of northeastern Arizona
Sass, J.H., Stone, Claudia, and Bills, D.J., 1982, Shallow subsurface temperatures and some estimates of heat flow from the Colorado Plateau of northeastern Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-0994, 112 p.
Surface and ground-water references index for the Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah
Bliss, J.D., 1982, Surface and ground-water references index for the Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-0413, 16 p.
Ground-water, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona -- 1999
Thomas, B.E., and Truini, Margot, 2000, Ground-water, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona -- 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-0453, 42 p.
Ground-water, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona -- 1998
Truini, Margot, Baum, B.M., Littin, G.R., and Shingoitewa-Honanie, Gayl, 2000, Ground-water, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona -- 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 00-0066, 37 p.
Ground-water, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona -- 1997
Littin, G.R., Baum, B.M., and Truini, M., 1999, Ground-water, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona -- 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-0653, 27 p.
Ground-water, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona -- 1996
Littin, G.R., and Monroe, S.A., 1997, Ground-water, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona -- 1996: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-0566, 27 p.
Ground-water, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona -- 1995
Littin, G.R., and Monroe, S.A., 1996, Ground-water, surface-water, and water-chemistry data, Black Mesa area, northeastern Arizona -- 1995: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-0616, 22 p.
Geophysics of the Colorado Plateau [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference
Thompson, G.A., and Zoback, M.L., 1978, Geophysics of the Colorado Plateau [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference: Houston, Lunar and Planetary Institute, LPI Contribution 329, p. 52-54.
Geothermal characteristics of the Colorado Plateau [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference
Reiter, M., Mansure, A.J., and Shearer, C., 1978, Geothermal characteristics of the Colorado Plateau [abs.], in Papers presented to the Conference on Plateau Uplift: Mode and Mechanism, A Lunar and Planetary Institute Topical Conference: Houston, Lunar and Planetary Institute, LPI Contribution 329, p. 43.