Fisk, G.G., Duet, N.R., McGuire, E.H., Angeroth, C.E., Castillo, N.K., and Smith, C.F., 2006, Water resources data, Arizona, water year 2004: U. S. Geological Survey Water Data Report AZ-04-1, 441 p.
Canyon Creek area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Water resources data, Arizona, water year 2004
Water resources data, Arizona, water year 2005
Fisk, G.G., Duet, N.R., McGuire, E.H., Roberts, W.P., Castillo, N.K.,and Smith, C.F., 2006, Water resources data, Arizona, water year 2005: U. S. Geological Survey Water Resources Data AZ-05-01, 347p.
Oil & gas potential of pre-Permian strata, eastern Holbrook Basin, Arizona
Rauzi, S.L., 1996, Oil & gas potential of pre-Permian strata, eastern Holbrook Basin, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-25, 14 p.
Water-quality assessment of the central Arizona basins, Arizona and northern Mexico - Environmental setting and overview of water quality
Cordy, G.E., Rees, J.A., Edmonds, R.J., Gebler, J.B., Wirt, Laurie, Gellenbeck, D.J., and Anning, D.W., 1998, Water-quality assessment of the central Arizona basins, Arizona and northern Mexico - Environmental setting and overview of water quality: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4097, 72 p.
Transcontinental geophysical survey (35o-39o N), seismic refraction profiles of the crust and upper mantle from 110o to 112o W longitude
Warren, D.H., 1968, Transcontinental geophysical survey (35o-39o N), seismic refraction profiles of the crust and upper mantle from 110o to 112o W longitude: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map I-533-D, 4 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
Impact of second home developments on water quality in areas of low precipitation
Ponce, S.L., and Dederick, J., 1979, Impact of second home developments on water quality in areas of low precipitation: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Eisenhower Consortium Final Report 188, 94 p.
Fort Apache, San Carlos and Camp Verde, Yavapai Indian Reservations, Arizona, Report on water supply and demand
Bell, R.T., VTN Consolidated, Inc., 1974, Fort Apache, San Carlos and Camp Verde, Yavapai Indian Reservations, Arizona, Report on water supply and demand: U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, 174 p., 11 sheets, scales 1:250,000, 1:288,000, 1:300,000, and 1:1,500,000.
Arizona floods of September 5 and 6, 1970
Zimmerman, A.L., 1971, Arizona floods of September 5 and 6, 1970: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Natural Disaster Survey Report 70-2, 39 p.
Development of groundwater models of alluvial basins in south-central Arizona, in Arizona Water Symposium, 23rd and 24th annual, Phoenix, September 27, 1979, and September 24, 1980, Proceedings
Anderson, T.W., 1979, Development of groundwater models of alluvial basins in south-central Arizona, in Arizona Water Symposium, 23rd and 24th annual, Phoenix, September 27, 1979, and September 24, 1980, Proceedings: Arizona Department of Water Resources Report no. 2, p. 13-17.
Evapotranspiration losses from flood-plain areas in central Arizona
Anderson, T.W., 1976, Evapotranspiration losses from flood-plain areas in central Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-0864, 91 p.