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Castaneda Hills
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Study in southern and central Arizona and parts of adjacent states, in Sun, R.J., ed., Regional Aquifer-System Analysis program of the U.S. Geological Survey, Summary of projects, 1978-84
Summary of the Southwest alluvial basins, Regional Aquifer-System Analysis, South-central Arizona and parts of adjacent states
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Geologic map, cross-sections, isotopic dates, and mineral deposits of the Alamo Lake 30' x 60' quadrangle, west-central Arizona
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Map showing groundwater conditions in the Sacramento Valley Basin, Mohave County, Arizona -- 1990
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Mohave County Mines
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Kingman Resource Area, Proposed resource management plan and final environmental impact statement
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Kingman Resource Area, Resource management plan and environmental impact statement - Draft
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Stratigraphic and structural synthesis of a Miocene extensional terrane, southeast California and west-central Arizona
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Well location map, Mohave County, Arizona - wells posted to January 1995
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Regional compositional variations of late Tertiary bimodal rhyolite lavas across the Basin and Range / Colorado Plateau boundary in western Arizona
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