Bayne, B.J., 1987, Depositional analysis of conglomerates in the Mazatzal Group and related strata, central Arizona: Flagstaff, Northern Arizona University, M.S. thesis, 186 p.
Chino Valley
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Depositional analysis of conglomerates in the Mazatzal Group and related strata, central Arizona
Winter cloud seeding potential on the Mogollon Rim, Final report, Volume III, Appendix B: Estimation of winter precipitation on the Mogollon Rim with a simple local-scale model, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under...
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1995, Winter cloud seeding potential on the Mogollon Rim, Final report, Volume III, Appendix B: Estimation of winter precipitation on the Mogollon Rim with a simple local-scale model, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under IGA-0-AG-30-08290: Denver, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report R-95-11, 15 p. [available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 22161, as PB96-106968].
Modeling winter storms over Arizona, Final report, Volume II, Appendix A: Users guide for the Arizona airflow and microphysics model, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under IGA-0-AG-30-08290
Matthews, D.A., 1995, Modeling winter storms over Arizona, Final report, Volume II, Appendix A: Users guide for the Arizona airflow and microphysics model, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under IGA-0-AG-30-08290: Denver, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report R-95-11, 80 p. [available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 22161, as PB96-106745].
Estimating precipitation in mountainous regions
Osborn, H.B., 1984, Estimating precipitation in mountainous regions: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, v. 110, no. 10, p. 1859-1863.
Winter cloud seeding potential on the Mogollon Rim, Final report, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under IGA-88-6189-000-0051
Super, A.B., Holroyd, E.W., and McPartland, J.T., 1989, Winter cloud seeding potential on the Mogollon Rim, Final report, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under IGA-88-6189-000-0051: Denver, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report R-89-02, 173 p. [available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 22161, as PB89-190540].
Computer aids groundwater resources research project
Matlock, W.G., and Davis, P.R., 1970, Computer aids groundwater resources research project: Progressive Agriculture in Arizona, v. 22, no. 5, p. 3-5.
Groundwater projections for 11 basins
University of Arizona, Water Resources Research Center, 1978, Groundwater projections for 11 basins: Arizona Water Resources News Bulletin 78-3, 4 p.
Environmental impact statement, Prescott National Forest land and resource management plan, Yavapai and Coconino counties, Arizona
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southwestern Region, 1986, Environmental impact statement, Prescott National Forest land and resource management plan, Yavapai and Coconino counties, Arizona: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southwestern Region, 355 p.
Chino Valley unit appraisal report, Western states water plan, State of Arizona
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1974, Chino Valley unit appraisal report, Western states water plan, State of Arizona: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 125 p.
Chino Valley Project, Arizona
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, [1986], Chino Valley Project, Arizona: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Project Planning Report 3-86, 9-0 preliminary draft, 114 p.