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Dome Rock Mts.
Placename Counties
Placename Label
The Copperstone Mine: Arizona's new gold producer
Relationship between Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic features in west central Arizona and adjacent southeastern California
Spencer, J.E., and Reynolds, S.J., 1990, Relationship between Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic features in west central Arizona and adjacent southeastern California: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 95, no. B1, p. 539-555.
Middle Tertiary tectonics of Arizona and adjacent areas, in Jenney, J.P., and Reynolds, S.J., eds., Geologic evolution of Arizona
Spencer, J.E., and Reynolds, S.J., 1989, Middle Tertiary tectonics of Arizona and adjacent areas, in Jenney, J.P., and Reynolds, S.J., eds., Geologic evolution of Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest 17, p. 539-574.
Geometry of low-angle normal faults in west-central Arizona
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New evidence for a Pliocene marine embayment along the lower Colorado River area, California and Arizona
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Geologic cross sections of western Arizona Basin and Range, with accompanying geologic maps and other information
Scarborough, R.B., 1985, Geologic cross sections of western Arizona Basin and Range, with accompanying geologic maps and other information: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 85-02, 10 p., 34 sheets, scales 1:250,000 and 1:500,000.
Geology of the lower Gila region, Arizona, in Shorter contributions to general geology, 1921
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Stratigraphy and petrology of some Mesozoic rocks in western Arizona
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Mesozoic structures in west-central Arizona, in Beatty, B., and Wilkinson, P.A.K., eds., Frontiers in geology and ore deposits of Arizona and the Southwest
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Mesozoic structural evolution of the Maria fold and thrust belt, west-central Arizona and southeastern California [abs.]
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