Spencer, J.E., Gilbert, W.G., and Richard, S.M., 1992, Geologic map of the eastern Eagletail Mountains, Maricopa, La Paz and Yuma Counties, Arizona [Eagletail Mts. East 7.5 min]: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-03, 13 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
Eagletail Mts.
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Geologic map of the eastern Eagletail Mountains, Maricopa, La Paz and Yuma Counties, Arizona [Eagletail Mts. East 7.5 min]
Geologic map of the western Gila Bend and southern Eagletail Mountains, Maricopa and Yuma Counties, Arizona [Hyder NE, and Columbus Peak 7.5 min]
Gilbert, W.G., Laux, D.P., Spencer, J.E., and Richard, S.M., 1992, Geologic map of the western Gila Bend and southern Eagletail Mountains, Maricopa and Yuma Counties, Arizona [Hyder NE, and Columbus Peak 7.5 min]: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-05, 17 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
Mineral resources of the Eagletail Mountains Wilderness Study Area, La Paz, Maricopa, and Yuma Counties, Arizona, Chapter G, in Mineral resources of Wilderness Study Areas: Southwestern and south-central Arizona
Miller, R.J., Gray, Floyd, Hassemer, J.R., Hanna, W.F., Pitkin, J.A., Hornberger, M.I., Jones, S.L., and Lane, M.E., 1989, Mineral resources of the Eagletail Mountains Wilderness Study Area, La Paz, Maricopa, and Yuma Counties, Arizona, Chapter G, in Mineral resources of Wilderness Study Areas: Southwestern and south-central Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1702-G, p. G1-G18, 1 sheet, scale 1:50,000.
Geologic cross-sections, Section 4, in Moore, R.T., and Wilson, E.D., Geologic cross-sections of Arizona
Moore, R.T., 1962, Geologic cross-sections, Section 4, in Moore, R.T., and Wilson, E.D., Geologic cross-sections of Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines, 1 sheet [now available as Arizona Geological Survey Map M-7-2].
Geologic map of Maricopa County, Arizona
Wilson, E.D., Moore, R.T., and Peirce, H.W., 1957, Geologic map of Maricopa County, Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines, 1 sheet, scale 1:375,000 [now available as Arizona Geological Survey Map M-3-5].
Geologic map of Yuma County, Arizona
Wilson, E.D., 1960, Geologic map of Yuma County, Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines, 1 sheet, scale 1:375,000 [includes La Paz County; now available as Arizona Geological Survey Map M-3-11].
Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance basic data for Phoenix quadrangle, Arizona, National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program
Uranium Resource Evaluation Project, 1982, Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance basic data for Phoenix quadrangle, Arizona, National Uranium Resource Evaluation Program: U.S. Department of Energy Report GJBX-165(82).
Land use and land cover, 1972-74, Phoenix, Arizona
U.S. Geological Survey, 1979, Land use and land cover, 1972-74, Phoenix, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Land Use Series Map L-42, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Proposed Palo Verde-Devers power transmission line
U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 1978, Proposed Palo Verde-Devers power transmission line: U.S. Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Draft Environmental Statement, 266 p., 31 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
Dust transport in Maricopa County, Arizona
Suck, S., Upchurch, E., and Brock, J., 1976, Dust transport in Maricopa County, Arizona: Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, 62 p.