Pearthree, P.A., and Huckleberry, Gary, 1994, Surficial geologic map of the Mesa 30' x 60' quadrangle, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-24, 1 sheet, scale 1:100,000.
Florence area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Surficial geologic map of the Mesa 30' x 60' quadrangle, Arizona
Index to geologic maps in the Mesa 1o x 2o quadrangle, Arizona
Skotnicki, Steve, 1993, Index to geologic maps in the Mesa 1o x 2o quadrangle, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-19, 18 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
Surficial geology of the Superstition Mountain piedmont area, northern Pinal and eastern Maricopa Counties, Arizona [Goldfield, Weavers Needle, Florence Junction, Superstition Mts. SW, Florence NE, Magma 7.5 min]
Huckleberry, Gary, 1993, Surficial geology of the Superstition Mountain piedmont area, northern Pinal and eastern Maricopa Counties, Arizona [Goldfield, Weavers Needle, Florence Junction, Superstition Mts. SW, Florence NE, Magma 7.5 min]: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-15, 33 p., 6 sheets, scale 1:24,000.
Floods of November 1965 to January 1966 in the Gila River Basin, Arizona and New Mexico, and adjacent basins in Arizona
Aldridge, B.N., 1970, Floods of November 1965 to January 1966 in the Gila River Basin, Arizona and New Mexico, and adjacent basins in Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1850-C, p. C1-C176, 6 sheets, scales 1:31,680, 1:1,000,000, and 1:2,000,000.
Floods of October 1983 in southeastern Arizona
Roeske, R.H., Garrett, J.M., and Eychaner, J.H., 1989, Floods of October 1983 in southeastern Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 85-4225-C, 77 p.
Late Holocene stream dynamics on the middle Gila River, Pinal County, Arizona
Huckleberry, G.A., 1993, Late Holocene stream dynamics on the middle Gila River, Pinal County, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, Ph.D. dissertation, 135 p.
Contrasting channel response to floods on the middle Gila River, Arizona
Huckleberry, Gary, 1994, Contrasting channel response to floods on the middle Gila River, Arizona: Geology, v. 22, no. 12, p. 1083-1086.
Terrestrial heat flow in Arizona
Shearer, Charles, and Reiter, Marshall, 1981, Terrestrial heat flow in Arizona: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 86, no. B7, p. 6249-6260.
Belts of Laramide-age intrusive rocks and fissure veins in south central Arizona
Schmidt, E.A., 1971, Belts of Laramide-age intrusive rocks and fissure veins in south central Arizona: Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. 9, p. 61-69.
The seismically reflective crust beneath highly extended terranes: Evidence for its origin in extension
Goodwin, E.B., and Thompson, G.A., 1988, The seismically reflective crust beneath highly extended terranes: Evidence for its origin in extension: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 100, no. 10, p. 1616-1626.