Putman, G.W., 1961, Study in the distribution of trace elements in some igneous rocks from northwest and central Arizona: University Park, Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D. dissertation.
Garnet Mtn.
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Study in the distribution of trace elements in some igneous rocks from northwest and central Arizona
Trace elements in igneous rocks, northwestern and central Arizona
Putman, G.W., and Burnham, C.W., 1963, Trace elements in igneous rocks, northwestern and central Arizona: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 27, no. 1, p. 53-106.
Beryl-bearing pegmatites in the Ruby Mountains and other areas in Nevada and northwestern Arizona, in Contributions to Economic Geology
Olson, J.C., and Hinrichs, E.N., 1960, Beryl-bearing pegmatites in the Ruby Mountains and other areas in Nevada and northwestern Arizona, in Contributions to Economic Geology: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1082-D, p. 135-200, 3 sheets, scales 1:240, 1:6,000, 1:2,000,000.
National Uranium Resource Evaluation, Williams quadrangle, Arizona
O'Neill, A.J., Nystrom, R.J., and Thiede, D.S., 1981, National Uranium Resource Evaluation, Williams quadrangle, Arizona: U.S. Department of Energy Report GJQ-009(81), 56 p., 3 microfiche, 19 sheets, scale 1:.
Evolution of the Colorado River in Arizona; an hypothesis developed at the Symposium on Cenozoic Geology of the Colorado Plateau in Arizona, August 1964
McKee, E.D., Wilson, R.F., Breed, W.J., and Breed, C.S., eds., 1967, Evolution of the Colorado River in Arizona; an hypothesis developed at the Symposium on Cenozoic Geology of the Colorado Plateau in Arizona, August 1964: Flagstaff, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin no. 44, 67 p., 1 sheet.
K-Ar chronology of mineralization and igneous activity, in Theodore, T.G., and others, Preliminary report on the geology and gold mineralization of the Gold Basin-Lost Basin mining districts, Mohave County, Arizona
McKee, E.H., 1982, K-Ar chronology of mineralization and igneous activity, in Theodore, T.G., and others, Preliminary report on the geology and gold mineralization of the Gold Basin-Lost Basin mining districts, Mohave County, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-1052, p. 23-30.
National Uranium Resource Evaluation, Kingman quadrangle, Arizona, Nevada, and California
Luning, R.H., Penley, H.M., Johnson, C.L., and Dotterrer, F.E., 1982, National Uranium Resource Evaluation, Kingman quadrangle, Arizona, Nevada, and California: U.S. Department of Energy Report PGJ/F-137(82), 23 p., 4 microfiche, 11 sheets.
Cenozoic geology of the upper Lake Mead area adjacent to the Grand Wash Cliffs, Arizona
Lucchitta, Ivo, 1967, Cenozoic geology of the upper Lake Mead area adjacent to the Grand Wash Cliffs, Arizona: University Park, Pennsylvania State University, Ph.D. dissertation, 218 p., 6 sheets, scales 1:31,680 and 63,360.
Well location map, Mohave County, Arizona
Koester, E.A., and Conley, J.N., 1973, Well location map, Mohave County, Arizona: Arizona Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, County Well Location Map 6, 1 sheet, scale 1:500,000 [superseded by Koester, E.A., Conley, J.N., and Rauzi, S.L., 1995, Arizona Geological Survey Oil and Gas Publication OG-8].