Corkhill, E.F., and Mason, D.A., 1996, A groundwater flow model of the Prescott Active Management Area [abs.], in Wanted: Water for rural Arizona, Arizona Hydrological Society Annual Symposium, Ninth, Prescott, Ariz., September 12-14, 1996, Extended abstracts: Arizona Hydrological Society, p. 93.
Granite Mtn. area(YA)
Placename Counties
Placename Label
A groundwater flow model of the Prescott Active Management Area [abs.], in Wanted: Water for rural Arizona, Arizona Hydrological Society Annual Symposium, Ninth, Prescott, Ariz., September 12-14, 1996, Extended abstracts
Third Management Plan for Prescott Active Management Area, 2000-2010
Arizona Department of Water Resources, 1999, Third Management Plan for Prescott Active Management Area, 2000-2010: Arizona Department of Water Resources, 394 p.
Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States for isolation of high-level radioactive waste - Evaluation of the regions
Bedinger, M.S., Sargent, K.A., and Langer, W.H., 1990, Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States for isolation of high-level radioactive waste - Evaluation of the regions: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1370-H, p. H1-61, 7 plates, scale 1:1,000,000.
Sources of springs supplying base flow to the Verde River headwaters, Yavapai County, Arizona
Wirt, Laurie, and Hjalmarson, H.W., 2000, Sources of springs supplying base flow to the Verde River headwaters, Yavapai County, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-0378, 50 p.
Preliminary report on geophysical data in Yavapai County, Arizona
Langenheim, V.E., Hoffman, J.P., Blasch, K.W., Dewitt, Ed, and Wirt, Laurie, 2002, Preliminary report on geophysical data in Yavapai County, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-0352, 29 p.
Maps showing ground-water conditions in the lower Big Chino Valley and Williamson Valley areas, Yavapai and Coconino Counties, Arizona, Arizona - 1975-76
Wallace, B.L., and Laney, R.L., 1976, Maps showing ground-water conditions in the lower Big Chino Valley and Williamson Valley areas, Yavapai and Coconino Counties, Arizona, Arizona - 1975-76: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 76-0078 Open-File Report, 19 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:125,000.
Second Management Plan 1999-2000 Prescott Active Management Area
Arizona Department of Water Resources, 1991, Second Management Plan 1999-2000 Prescott Active Management Area: Arizona Department of Water Resources, [variously paged ?].
Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States for isolation of high-level radioactive waste - Characterization of the Sonoran region, Arizona
Bedinger, M.S., Sargent, K.A., and Langer, W.H., eds., 1990, Studies of geology and hydrology in the Basin and Range province, southwestern United States for isolation of high-level radioactive waste - Characterization of the Sonoran region, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1370-D, p. D1-D40, 6 plates, scales 1:500,000 and 1:1,000,000.
Characterization and ground-water flow modeling of the Mint Wash / Williamson Valley area, Yavapai County
Water resources data, Arizona, water year 2004
Fisk, G.G., Duet, N.R., McGuire, E.H., Angeroth, C.E., Castillo, N.K., and Smith, C.F., 2006, Water resources data, Arizona, water year 2004: U. S. Geological Survey Water Data Report AZ-04-1, 441 p.