Shipley, H., 1967, The long drink, water conveyance in natural and artificial channels, in Gardner, J.L., and Myers, L.E., eds., Water supplies for arid regions: Washington, D.C., American Association for the Advancement of Science, Committee on Desert and Arid Zones Research Contribution No. 10, p. 38-44.
Granite Mtn. area(YA)
Placename Counties
Placename Label
The long drink, water conveyance in natural and artificial channels, in Gardner, J.L., and Myers, L.E., eds., Water supplies for arid regions
Arizona water supply outlook and federal-state-private cooperative snow surveys
Jones, R.A., 1986, Arizona water supply outlook and federal-state-private cooperative snow surveys: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service.
Recovering rainfall, more water for irrigation, Parts I and II
Barr, G.W., 1956, Recovering rainfall, more water for irrigation, Parts I and II: Tucson, Arizona Watershed Program, 218 p. [available for inspection at Tucson, University of Arizona Library, Special Collections].
Seasonal streamflow forecasting for central highlands, Arizona
Cluff, C.B., 1961, Seasonal streamflow forecasting for central highlands, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 217 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:1,000,000.
The Verde River, Part II
Parker, C.F., 1949, The Verde River, Part II: Arizona Highways, v. 25, no. 11, p. 10-15.
The Verde River, Part I
Parker, C.F., 1949, The Verde River, Part I: Arizona Highways, v. 25, no. 10, p. 16-25.
Water supply outlook for Arizona (as of Jan. 15, 1968)
Enz, R.W., 1968, Water supply outlook for Arizona (as of Jan. 15, 1968): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Cooperative Snow Survey Report, 11 p.
A wastewater facilities plan for the Verde River Basin, Arizona, prepared for the Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of Water Quality Control
Ferguson, Morris and Associates, Inc., 1975, A wastewater facilities plan for the Verde River Basin, Arizona, prepared for the Arizona Department of Health Services, Bureau of Water Quality Control: Scottsdale, Ariz., Ferguson, Morris and Associates, Inc., [329] p.
Summary of snow survey measurements for Arizona, 1938-1964
Enz, R.W., and Weller, Mary, 1964, Summary of snow survey measurements for Arizona, 1938-1964: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Cooperative Snow Survey Report, 50 p.
Arizona floods of September 5 and 6, 1970
Zimmerman, A.L., 1971, Arizona floods of September 5 and 6, 1970: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Natural Disaster Survey Report 70-2, 39 p.