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Hardscrabble Mesa area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Remote sensing as a watershed management tool on the Salt-Verde watershed, in Applied Remote Sensing of Earth Resources in Arizona, 2nd ARETS Symposium, Tucson, University of Arizona, November 2-4, 1971, Proceedings
Applications systems verification and transfer project - Volume II: Operational applications of satellite snow-cover observations and data-collections systems in the Arizona test site
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Applications systems verification and transfer project - Volume I: Operational applications of satellite snow-cover observations - Executive summary
Rango, Albert, 1981, Applications systems verification and transfer project - Volume I: Operational applications of satellite snow-cover observations - Executive summary: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Paper 1822, 81 p. [NTIS N82-20617].
Anticipated changes in the flow regimen caused by the addition of water to the East Verde River, Arizona
Hjalmarson, H.W., and Davidson, E.S., 1966, Anticipated changes in the flow regimen caused by the addition of water to the East Verde River, Arizona: Arizona State Land Department Water Resources Report no. 28, 10 p.
Mapping snow extent in the Salt-Verde watershed and the southern Sierra Nevada using ERTS imagery, in Freden, S.C., Mercanti, E.P., and Becker, M.A., eds., Third Earth Resources Technology Satellite-1 Symposium - Vol. I: Technical...
Barnes, J.C., Bowley, C.J., and Simmes, D.A., 1974, Mapping snow extent in the Salt-Verde watershed and the southern Sierra Nevada using ERTS imagery, in Freden, S.C., Mercanti, E.P., and Becker, M.A., eds., Third Earth Resources Technology Satellite-1 Symposium - Vol. I: Technical presentations, Section B: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Publication 351, p. 977-993.
The application of aerial and satellite snow-mapping techniques for multi-purpose reservoir system operations in Arizona, in Western Snow Conference, 45th Annual Meeting, April 18-21, 1977, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Kirdar, Edib, Schumann, H.H., and Warskow, W.L., 1977, The application of aerial and satellite snow-mapping techniques for multi-purpose reservoir system operations in Arizona, in Western Snow Conference, 45th Annual Meeting, April 18-21, 1977, Albuquerque, New Mexico: Western Snow Conference, p. 95-101.
Determination of wintertime cloud seeding potential in the Mogollon Rim area of Arizona, Final report to Division of Atmospheric Resources Research, Bureau of Reclamation, Cooperative Agreement 2-07-81-V0238
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Application of streamflow forecasts to operating a multi-reservoir system in central Arizona, in A Critical Assessment of Forecasting in Water Quality Goals in Western Water Resources Management, Symposium held in Seattle, Washington,...
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Use of streamflow increases from vegetation management in the Verde River Basin
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Opportunities for riparian ecosystem preservation in the Verde River Basin, Arizona, in Woessner, W.W. and Potts, D.F., eds., Symposium on Headwaters Hydrology, Proceedings
Moore, Deborah, 1989, Opportunities for riparian ecosystem preservation in the Verde River Basin, Arizona, in Woessner, W.W. and Potts, D.F., eds., Symposium on Headwaters Hydrology, Proceedings: Bethesda, Md., American Water Resources Association, p. 351-360.