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Kohl Ranch area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Groundwater exploration in northeastern Arizona using Landsat imagery, in Harwood, Gerald, ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 10
Map showing ground-water conditions in the Tonto Basin area, Gila County, Arizona - 1979
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Geologic map of a portion of the Silicified Mescal Paleokarst, northern Sierra Ancha, central Arizona
Hydrogeology of the Mogollon Highlands, central Arizona
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Oil & gas potential of pre-Permian strata, eastern Holbrook Basin, Arizona
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Road log from Tempe to Payson and diamond Point via Highways 87 and 260, in Burt, D.M., and Pewe, T.L., eds., Guidebook to the geology of central Arizona, 74th Cordilleran Section Meeting, Geological Society of America, Arizona State...
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Paleontology of the Naco Formation in the Kohl Ranch area, Arizona, in Burt, D.M., and Pewe, T.L., eds., Guidebook to the geology of central Arizona, 74th Cordilleran Section Meeting, Geological Society of America, Arizona State...
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Nitrogen limitation potential of Arizona streams and rivers
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Demands on national forests require coordinated planning
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Winter cloud seeding potential on the Mogollon Rim, Final report, Volume III, Appendix B: Estimation of winter precipitation on the Mogollon Rim with a simple local-scale model, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under...
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