O'Connell, P.F., and Boster, R.S., 1974, Demands on national forests require coordinated planning: Arizona Review, v. 23, no. 2, p. 1-7.
Mogollon Rim - Apache segment
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Demands on national forests require coordinated planning
Winter cloud seeding potential on the Mogollon Rim, Final report, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under IGA-88-6189-000-0051
Super, A.B., Holroyd, E.W., and McPartland, J.T., 1989, Winter cloud seeding potential on the Mogollon Rim, Final report, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under IGA-88-6189-000-0051: Denver, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report R-89-02, 173 p. [available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 22161, as PB89-190540].
Impact of second home developments on water quality in areas of low precipitation
Ponce, S.L., and Dederick, J., 1979, Impact of second home developments on water quality in areas of low precipitation: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Eisenhower Consortium Final Report 188, 94 p.
Past vegetation and climate of the Mogollon Rim area, Arizona
Jacobs, B.F., 1983, Past vegetation and climate of the Mogollon Rim area, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, Ph.D. dissertation, 166 p.
An analysis of yearly differences in snowpack inventory-prediction relationships, in Fogel, M.M., ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 2
Ffolliott, P.F., Thorud, D.B., and Enz, R.W., 1972, An analysis of yearly differences in snowpack inventory-prediction relationships, in Fogel, M.M., ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 2: American Water Resources Association, Arizona Section, and Arizona Academy of Science, Hydrology Section, Annual Meeting, Prescott, Ariz., May 5-6, 1972, Proceedings, p. 31-42.
Characterization of Arizona snowpack dynamics for prediction and management purposes
Ffolliott, P.F., 1970, Characterization of Arizona snowpack dynamics for prediction and management purposes: Tucson, University of Arizona, Ph.D. dissertation, 171 p.
Characterization of snowmelt runoff efficiencies, in Symposium conducted by the Irrigation and Drainage Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Logan, Utah, August 11-13, 1975, Proceedings
Solomon, R.M., Ffolliott, P.F., and Thorud, D.B., 1975, Characterization of snowmelt runoff efficiencies, in Symposium conducted by the Irrigation and Drainage Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Logan, Utah, August 11-13, 1975, Proceedings: New York, American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 306-326.
Probability distributions of snow course data for central Arizona, in Boster, R.S., ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 3
Cary, L.E., and Beschta, R.L., 1973, Probability distributions of snow course data for central Arizona, in Boster, R.S., ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 3: American Water Resources Association, Arizona Section, and Arizona Academy of Science, Hydrology Section, Annual Meeting, Tucson, Ariz., 1973, Proceedings, p. 8-16.
Reconnaissance of headwater springs in the Gila River drainage basin, Arizona
Feth, J.H., and Hem, J.D., 1963, Reconnaissance of headwater springs in the Gila River drainage basin, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1619-H, 54 p., 4 sheets, scales 1:63,360, and 1:500,000.
Fort Apache, San Carlos and Camp Verde, Yavapai Indian Reservations, Arizona, Report on water supply and demand
Bell, R.T., VTN Consolidated, Inc., 1974, Fort Apache, San Carlos and Camp Verde, Yavapai Indian Reservations, Arizona, Report on water supply and demand: U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, 174 p., 11 sheets, scales 1:250,000, 1:288,000, 1:300,000, and 1:1,500,000.