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Mormon Lake area
Placename Counties
Placename Includes
Placename Label
The long drink, water conveyance in natural and artificial channels, in Gardner, J.L., and Myers, L.E., eds., Water supplies for arid regions
Arizona water supply outlook and federal-state-private cooperative snow surveys
Jones, R.A., 1986, Arizona water supply outlook and federal-state-private cooperative snow surveys: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service.
Probability distributions of snow course data for central Arizona, in Boster, R.S., ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 3
Cary, L.E., and Beschta, R.L., 1973, Probability distributions of snow course data for central Arizona, in Boster, R.S., ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 3: American Water Resources Association, Arizona Section, and Arizona Academy of Science, Hydrology Section, Annual Meeting, Tucson, Ariz., 1973, Proceedings, p. 8-16.
The American Southwest and Middle America, in Frey, D.G., ed., Limnology in North America
Cole, G.A., 1963, The American Southwest and Middle America, in Frey, D.G., ed., Limnology in North America: Madison, University of Wisconsin, p. 393-434.
Precipitation and temperature characteristics of forested watersheds in central Arizona
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Stock tank characteristics and performance in the Beaver Creek watershed, north-central Arizona
Hughbanks, J.A., 1983, Stock tank characteristics and performance in the Beaver Creek watershed, north-central Arizona: Flagstaff, Northern Arizona University, M.S. thesis, 128 p.
Reconnaissance of headwater springs in the Gila River drainage basin, Arizona
Feth, J.H., and Hem, J.D., 1963, Reconnaissance of headwater springs in the Gila River drainage basin, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1619-H, 54 p., 4 sheets, scales 1:63,360, and 1:500,000.
Water resources and multiple-use forestry in the Southwest
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Recovering rainfall, more water for irrigation, Parts I and II
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Seasonal streamflow forecasting for central highlands, Arizona
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