Smith, C.T., Miller, P.T., and Cooper, L.C., 1970, Second day - Road log from Cameron Trading Post, Arizona to Cedar City Utah, via Desert View, Page, Kanab and Long Valley Junction, in Smith, C.T., ed., Guidebook to Four Corners, Colorado Plateau, Central Rocky Mountain Region, 1970: National Association of Geology Teachers, Southwest Section, p. 94-106.
Painted Desert
Placename Counties
Placename Includes
Placename Label
Second day - Road log from Cameron Trading Post, Arizona to Cedar City Utah, via Desert View, Page, Kanab and Long Valley Junction, in Smith, C.T., ed., Guidebook to Four Corners, Colorado Plateau, Central Rocky Mountain Region, 1970
Uranium references index for the Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah
Bliss, J.D., 1982, Uranium references index for the Navajo Indian Reservation, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-0412, 36 p.
Primary report of reconnaissance in the Cameron area, Arizona
Williams, F.J., and Barrett, D.C., 1953, Primary report of reconnaissance in the Cameron area, Arizona: U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report RME-2002, 12 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:125,000.
Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Cameron A & B, Arizona - Final report, Detail area, Volumes I, IIA, and IIB
High Life Helicopters, Inc. / QEB, Inc., 1983, Airborne gamma-ray spectrometer and magnetometer survey, Cameron A & B, Arizona - Final report, Detail area, Volumes I, IIA, and IIB: U.S. Department of Energy Report GJBX-25(83), 52 microfiche, scale 1:62,500.
An integration of geophysical and Landsat data - Northeastern Arizona
Gutman, S.I., and Heckmann, G.A., 1977, An integration of geophysical and Landsat data - Northeastern Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Oil and Gas Publication OG-22, 7 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
Subsurface structure maps, eastern Mogollon Slope region, east-central Arizona
Conley, J.N., 1977, Subsurface structure maps, eastern Mogollon Slope region, east-central Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Oil and Gas Publication OG-21a, 3 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
Uranium in northern Arizona, with emphasis on the deposits of the Cameron area (for presentation November 18, 1958, at the Museum of Northern Arizona)
Chenoweth, W.L., 1958, Uranium in northern Arizona, with emphasis on the deposits of the Cameron area (for presentation November 18, 1958, at the Museum of Northern Arizona): U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Report TM-139, 5 p.
The search for plant fossils in the Chinle Formation, in Breed, C.S., and Breed, W.J., eds., Investigations in the Triassic Chinle Formation
Ash, S.R., 1972, The search for plant fossils in the Chinle Formation, in Breed, C.S., and Breed, W.J., eds., Investigations in the Triassic Chinle Formation: Flagstaff, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin no. 47, p. 45-58.
Vertebrates from the Chinle Formation, in Breed, C.S., and Breed, W.J., eds., Investigations in the Triassic Chinle Formation
Colbert, E.H., 1972, Vertebrates from the Chinle Formation, in Breed, C.S., and Breed, W.J., eds., Investigations in the Triassic Chinle Formation: Flagstaff, Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin no. 47, p. 1-11.
Radionuclides in the Puerco and Lower Little Colorado River Basins, New Mexico and Arizona, before 1987, in Gundersen, L.D.S., and Wanty, R.B., eds., Field studies of radon in rocks, soils, and water
Gray, J.R., and Webb, R.H., 1991, Radionuclides in the Puerco and Lower Little Colorado River Basins, New Mexico and Arizona, before 1987, in Gundersen, L.D.S., and Wanty, R.B., eds., Field studies of radon in rocks, soils, and water: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1971, p. 297-311.