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Palomas Plain
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Water resources: Part II of Mineral and water resources of Arizona
Third Management Plans, 2000-2010, ver. 1.0
Arizona Department of Water Resources, 2000, Third Management Plans, 2000-2010, ver. 1.0: Arizona Department of Water Resources, 1 CD-ROM (2,340 p.).
Land subsidence and earth fissures caused by ground-water depletion in southern Arizona, in Anderson, T.W. and Johnson, A.I., eds., Regional aquifer systems of the United States - Southwest alluvial basins of Arizona
Schumann, H.H., Laney, R.L., and Cripe, L.S., 1986, Land subsidence and earth fissures caused by ground-water depletion in southern Arizona, in Anderson, T.W. and Johnson, A.I., eds., Regional aquifer systems of the United States - Southwest alluvial basins of Arizona: American Water Resources Association Monograph Series no. 7, p. 81-91.
Arizona hydrogeology and water supply
Montgomery, E.L., and Harshbarger, J.W., 1992, Arizona hydrogeology and water supply: Applied Hydrogeology, v. 1, no. 1, p. 25-37.
Geology and ground-water resources of the Palomas Plain - Dendora Valley area, Maricopa and Yuma Counties, Arizona
Armstrong, C.A. and Yost, C.B., Jr., 1958, Geology and ground-water resources of the Palomas Plain - Dendora Valley area, Maricopa and Yuma Counties, Arizona: Arizona State Land Department Water Resources Report no. 4, 49 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:14,000.
Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States - western states: California, Nevada, Arizona, and Washington
Ludington, S., Moring, B.C., Miller, R.J., Flynn, K., Hopkins, M.J., Stone, P., Bedford, D.R., and Haxel, G.A., 2005, Preliminary integrated geologic map databases for the United States - western states: California, Nevada, Arizona, and Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1305, Unpaginated, scale 1:1,000,000.
Water withdrawals for irrigation, municipal, mining, thermoelectric-power, and drainage uses in Arizona outside of active management areas, 1991-2000
Tadayon, Saeid, 2005, Water withdrawals for irrigation, municipal, mining, thermoelectric-power, and drainage uses in Arizona outside of active management areas, 1991-2000: U. S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5293, 38p.
Geology of the Cholla Tank and northern third of the Hoodoo Well quadrangles), northern Kofa Mountains, Yuma and La Paz Counties, Arizona
Skotnicki, S.J., and Ferguson, C.A., 1996, Geology of the Cholla Tank and northern third of the Hoodoo Well quadrangles), northern Kofa Mountains, Yuma and La Paz Counties, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-24, 11 p., 1 sheets, scale 1:24,000.
Geologic map of the southeastern Kofa Mountains and western Tank Mountains, southwestern Arizona [Neversweat Ridge, Engesser Pass, Hoodoo Well, Kofa Butte, Palm Canyon, Kofa Deep Well, and Charlie Died Tank 7.5 min]
Grubensky, M.J., Haxel, G.B., and Demsey, K.A., 1995, Geologic map of the southeastern Kofa Mountains and western Tank Mountains, southwestern Arizona [Neversweat Ridge, Engesser Pass, Hoodoo Well, Kofa Butte, Palm Canyon, Kofa Deep Well, and Charlie Died Tank 7.5 min]: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2454, 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500.
Flood damage report 28 February-6 March 1978 on the storm and floods in Maricopa County, Arizona
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, 1979, Flood damage report 28 February-6 March 1978 on the storm and floods in Maricopa County, Arizona: Los Angeles, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 75 p.