Johnson, H.G., 1995, Devonian fossil fish from central Arizona, in Boaz, Debra, and others, eds., Proceedings of the Third Annual Fossils of Arizona Symposium, November 18, 1995: Mesa, Ariz., Mesa Southwest Museum, and Southwest Paleontological Society, p. 1-6.
Payson area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Devonian fossil fish from central Arizona, in Boaz, Debra, and others, eds., Proceedings of the Third Annual Fossils of Arizona Symposium, November 18, 1995
Proceedings of the Third Annual Fossils of Arizona Symposium, November 18, 1995
Boaz, Debra, Bolander, Susan, Dierking, Peggy, Dornan, Michael, and Tegowski, B.J., eds., 1995, Proceedings of the Third Annual Fossils of Arizona Symposium, November 18, 1995: Mesa, Ariz., Mesa Southwest Museum, and Southwest Paleontological Society, 111 p.
Floods of November 1978 to March 1979 in Arizona and west-central New Mexico
Aldridge, B.N., and Hale, T.A., 1984, Floods of November 1978 to March 1979 in Arizona and west-central New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2241, 149 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
Floods of October 1977 in southern Arizona and March 1978 in central Arizona
Aldridge, B.N., and Eychaner, J.H., 1984, Floods of October 1977 in southern Arizona and March 1978 in central Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2223, 143 p., 6 sheets, scales 1:62,500 and 1:1,000,000.
Northwestern Arizona, Floods of December, in southwestern United States, in Rostvedt, J.O., and others, Summary of floods in the United States during 1966
Aldridge, B.N., 1971, Northwestern Arizona, Floods of December, in southwestern United States, in Rostvedt, J.O., and others, Summary of floods in the United States during 1966: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1870-D, p. D62-D69.
Preliminary report of investigations of springs in the Mogollon Rim region, Arizona, with sections on: Base flow of streams, by N.D. White, and Quality of water, by J.D. Hem
Feth, J.H., 1954, Preliminary report of investigations of springs in the Mogollon Rim region, Arizona, with sections on: Base flow of streams, by N.D. White, and Quality of water, by J.D. Hem: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report [unnumbered], Tucson, Ariz., June 1954, 100 p., 4 sheets, scales 1:80,000, 1:95,000, and 1:1,600,000.
The relationship of stream flow to precipitation on the Salt River watershed above Roosevelt Dam
Cooperrider, C.K., and Sykes, G.G., 1938, The relationship of stream flow to precipitation on the Salt River watershed above Roosevelt Dam: Tucson, University of Arizona, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, Technical Bulletin no. 76, 69 p.
Pioneer Payson
Willis, C.F., 1920, Pioneer Payson: Arizona Mining Journal, v. 3, no. 12, p. 15-19, 55-60.
Denudation of metamorphic core complexes and the reconstruction of the Transition Zone, west-central Arizona: Constraints from apatite fission track thermochronology
Foster, D.A., Gleadow, A.J.W., Reynolds, S.J., and Fitzgerald, P.G., 1993, Denudation of metamorphic core complexes and the reconstruction of the Transition Zone, west-central Arizona: Constraints from apatite fission track thermochronology: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 98, no. B2, p. 2167-2185.
Fossil vertebrate footprints in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian) of northern Arizona: Evidence for underwater origin
Brand, L.R., and Tang, Thu, 1991, Fossil vertebrate footprints in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian) of northern Arizona: Evidence for underwater origin: Geology, v. 19, no. 12, p. 1201-1204.