Arizona Department of Water Resources, 1999, Third Management Plan for Pinal Active Management Area, 2000-2010: Arizona Department of Water Resources, 438 p.
Picacho Peak
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Third Management Plan for Pinal Active Management Area, 2000-2010
Ground-water quality in alluvial basins that have minimal urban development, south-central Arizona
Gellenbeck, D.J., and Coes, A.L., 1999, Ground-water quality in alluvial basins that have minimal urban development, south-central Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4005, 27 p.
Ground-water resources of the Santa Cruz Basin, Arizona
Turner, S.F., and others, 1943, Ground-water resources of the Santa Cruz Basin, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report [unnumbered], Tucson, Ariz., May 14, 1943, [89] p., 3 sheets, scales 1:23,000, 1:200,000, and 1:500,000.
Geologic map of the Picacho Mountains and Picacho Peak, Pinal County, southern Arizona [Picacho Reservoir, Picacho Reservoir SE, Picacho Pass, Newman Peak, and Samaniego Hills 7.5 min]
Richard, S.M., Spencer, J.E., Ferguson, C.A., and Pearthree, P.A., 1999, Geologic map of the Picacho Mountains and Picacho Peak, Pinal County, southern Arizona [Picacho Reservoir, Picacho Reservoir SE, Picacho Pass, Newman Peak, and Samaniego Hills 7.5 min]: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-18, 43 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:24,000.
Groundwater projections for 11 basins
University of Arizona, Water Resources Research Center, 1978, Groundwater projections for 11 basins: Arizona Water Resources News Bulletin 78-3, 4 p.
Effects of ground-water withdrawal in part of central Arizona projected to 1969
White, N.D., Stulik, R.S., and Rauh, C.L., 1964, Effects of ground-water withdrawal in part of central Arizona projected to 1969: Arizona State Land Department Water Resources Report no. 16, 25 p.
Timing and effect of detachment-related potassium metasomatism on 40Ar/39Ar Ages from the Windous Butte Formation, Grant Range, Nevada
Brooks, W.E., and Snee, L.W., 1996, Timing and effect of detachment-related potassium metasomatism on 40Ar/39Ar Ages from the Windous Butte Formation, Grant Range, Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2154, 25 p.
Maps showing groundwater conditions in the Eloy and Maricopa-Stanfield sub-basins of the Pinal Active Management Area, Pinal, Pima, and Maricopa Counties, Arizona - 1989
Hammett, B.A., 1992, Maps showing groundwater conditions in the Eloy and Maricopa-Stanfield sub-basins of the Pinal Active Management Area, Pinal, Pima, and Maricopa Counties, Arizona - 1989: Arizona Department of Water Resources Hydrologic Map Series Report no. 23, 3 sheets, scale 1:125,000.
Road logs - Tucson to Yuma, Wellton to the Marine Corps Gunnery Range, Yuma to the Silver Mining District, Martinez Lake Turnoff to Quartzite, Quartzite to Buckeye - Arizona Geological Society 1979 Spring Field Trip, March 31 - April 1,...
Lynch, D.J., Lundin, Rich, Dohms, P.H., Teet, J.E., Dunn, Peter, and Reynolds, S.J., 1979, Road logs - Tucson to Yuma, Wellton to the Marine Corps Gunnery Range, Yuma to the Silver Mining District, Martinez Lake Turnoff to Quartzite, Quartzite to Buckeye - Arizona Geological Society 1979 Spring Field Trip, March 31 - April 1, 1979: Arizona Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, [variously paged].
Low-angle tectonic phenomena between Tucson and Salome, Arizona, Arizona Geological Society 1980 Fall field trip
Keith, Stanley B., Reynolds, S., Rehrig, W., and Richard, S., 1980, Low-angle tectonic phenomena between Tucson and Salome, Arizona, Arizona Geological Society 1980 Fall field trip: Arizona Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, [variously paged].