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Rawhide Mts.
Placename Counties
Placename Label
The Bagdad Reflection Sequence as tabular mafic intrusions: Evidence from seismic modeling of mapped exposures
Denudation of metamorphic core complexes and the reconstruction of the Transition Zone, west-central Arizona: Constraints from apatite fission track thermochronology
Foster, D.A., Gleadow, A.J.W., Reynolds, S.J., and Fitzgerald, P.G., 1993, Denudation of metamorphic core complexes and the reconstruction of the Transition Zone, west-central Arizona: Constraints from apatite fission track thermochronology: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 98, no. B2, p. 2167-2185.
Tectonics of mid-Tertiary extension along a transect through west central Arizona
Spencer, J.E., and Reynolds, S.J., 1991, Tectonics of mid-Tertiary extension along a transect through west central Arizona: Tectonics, v. 10, no. 6, p. 1204-1221.
En echelon Miocene rifting in the southwestern United States and model for vertical-axis rotation in continental extension
Bartley, J.M., and Glazner, A.F., 1991, En echelon Miocene rifting in the southwestern United States and model for vertical-axis rotation in continental extension: Geology, v. 19, no. 12, p. 1165-1168.
Synextensional dioritic magmatism within and beneath metamorphic core complexes, southern Arizona and southeastern California: Integration of structural, petrologic, and seismic refraction data [abs.]
Haxel, G.B., Simmons, A.M., and McCarthy, J., 1990, Synextensional dioritic magmatism within and beneath metamorphic core complexes, southern Arizona and southeastern California: Integration of structural, petrologic, and seismic refraction data [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 22, no. 3, p. 28-29.
Regional correlation of extension directions in Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes
Wust, S.L., 1986, Regional correlation of extension directions in Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes: Geology, v. 14, no. 10, p. 828-830.
Bibliography of the Pacific to Arizona Crustal Experiment (PACE) - Investigation of a transect of the lithosphere across the southwestern United States
Howard, K.A., and Harper, R.M., 1992, Bibliography of the Pacific to Arizona Crustal Experiment (PACE) - Investigation of a transect of the lithosphere across the southwestern United States: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-0511-A, 63 p.
Thorium and rare earth in the United States, exclusive of Alaska and Hawaii
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Uranium resource evaluation, Prescott quadrangle, Arizona
May, R.T., White, D.L., and Nystrom, R.J., 1979, Uranium resource evaluation, Prescott quadrangle, Arizona: U.S. Department of Energy Preliminary Report PGJ-006, 235 p., 26 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
Uranium in fluorite deposits, in Selected papers on uranium deposits in the United States
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