Evans, D.W., and Pool, D.R., 2000, Aquifer compaction and ground-water levels in south-central Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4249, 54 p.
Rillito area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Aquifer compaction and ground-water levels in south-central Arizona
Third Management Plan for Tucson Active Management Area, 2000-2010
Arizona Department of Water Resources, 1999, Third Management Plan for Tucson Active Management Area, 2000-2010: Arizona Department of Water Resources, 559 p.
Proposed modifications to Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 9 of the Third Management Plan for the Tucson Active Management Area
Arizona Department of Water Resources, 2002, Proposed modifications to Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 9 of the Third Management Plan for the Tucson Active Management Area: Arizona Department of Water Resources, [variously paged].
Analysis of the ground-water system by electrical-analog model, Avra Valley, Pima and Pinal Counties, Arizona
Moosburner, Otto, 1972, Analysis of the ground-water system by electrical-analog model, Avra Valley, Pima and Pinal Counties, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-0215, 2 sheets, scale 1:125,000.
Water quality in the central Arizona basins, Arizona, 1995-98
Cordy, G.E., Gellenbeck, D.J., Gebler, J.B., Anning, D.W., Coes, A.L., Edmonds, R.J., Rees, J.A.H., and Sanger, H.W., 2000, Water quality in the central Arizona basins, Arizona, 1995-98: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1213, 38 p.
Aquifer characteristics of the pediment south of the Tortolita Mountains, Pima County, Arizona
Raymondi, R.R., 1980, Aquifer characteristics of the pediment south of the Tortolita Mountains, Pima County, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 96 p., 16 sheets.
Land subsidence and earth fissures caused by ground-water depletion in southern Arizona, in Anderson, T.W. and Johnson, A.I., eds., Regional aquifer systems of the United States - Southwest alluvial basins of Arizona
Schumann, H.H., Laney, R.L., and Cripe, L.S., 1986, Land subsidence and earth fissures caused by ground-water depletion in southern Arizona, in Anderson, T.W. and Johnson, A.I., eds., Regional aquifer systems of the United States - Southwest alluvial basins of Arizona: American Water Resources Association Monograph Series no. 7, p. 81-91.
Pumpage and ground-water levels in Arizona in 1955
Johnson, P.W., White, N.D., and Cahill, J.M., 1956, Pumpage and ground-water levels in Arizona in 1955: Arizona State Land Department Water Resources Report no. 1, 69 p.
Modifications to the Second Management Plan, 1999-2000, Tucson Active Management Area
Arizona Department of Water Resources, 1991, Modifications to the Second Management Plan, 1999-2000, Tucson Active Management Area: Arizona Department of Water Resources, [variously paged].
Second Management Plan, 1999-2000, Tucson Active Management Area
Arizona Department of Water Resources, 1991, Second Management Plan, 1999-2000, Tucson Active Management Area: Arizona Department of Water Resources, [variously paged].