Osterkamp, W.R., 1973, Ground-water recharge in the Tucson area, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-844-E, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Rincon Valley
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Ground-water recharge in the Tucson area, Arizona
Map showing depth to water in wells in the Tucson area, Arizona, 1972
Osterkamp, W.R., 1973, Map showing depth to water in wells in the Tucson area, Arizona, 1972: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-844-D, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Location and chronology of Tertiary sedimentary deposits in Arizona: A review, in Ingersoll, R.V., and Woodburne, M.O., eds., Cenozoic nonmarine deposits of California and Arizona
Nations, J.D., Landye, J.J., and Hevly, R.H., 1982, Location and chronology of Tertiary sedimentary deposits in Arizona: A review, in Ingersoll, R.V., and Woodburne, M.O., eds., Cenozoic nonmarine deposits of California and Arizona: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Pacific Section, Los Angeles, Calif., p. 107-122.
Tucson metropolitan area, (a) ease of excavation and potential erodibility, (b) flood hazards, (c) slope relief
Morrison, R.B., 1977, Tucson metropolitan area, (a) ease of excavation and potential erodibility, (b) flood hazards, (c) slope relief: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 83-04, 4 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:120,000.
Tucson 1o x 2o quadrangle, ease of excavation and potential erodibility, phases 4 and 5
Morrison, R.B., 1975, Tucson 1o x 2o quadrangle, ease of excavation and potential erodibility, phases 4 and 5: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 83-03, 3 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Maps showing nonmetallic mineral deposits in the Tucson area, Arizona
Moore, R.T., Jones, W.C., and Peterson, J.W., 1974, Maps showing nonmetallic mineral deposits in the Tucson area, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-844-J, 1 sheet, scales 1:250,000, 1:500,000.
Geology of the Tucson quadrangle, Arizona, with contributions, by B.S. Butler and R.M. Hernon, and a section on Ground water in the Tucson quadrangle, by S.F. Turner
Moore, B.N., and Tolman, C.F., Jr., 1949, Geology of the Tucson quadrangle, Arizona, with contributions, by B.S. Butler and R.M. Hernon, and a section on Ground water in the Tucson quadrangle, by S.F. Turner: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report [unnumbered], [43] p., 5 sheets [sometimes cited as U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 0-1941 or as 1938, unpublished manuscript].
Generalized geologic map and section of the Santa Catalina-Rincon Mountains, in Shride, A.F., McKee, E.D., and Harshbarger, J.W., eds., Guidebook for field trip excursions in southern Arizona, Geological Society of America, Cordilleran...
Moore, B.N., 1952, Generalized geologic map and section of the Santa Catalina-Rincon Mountains, in Shride, A.F., McKee, E.D., and Harshbarger, J.W., eds., Guidebook for field trip excursions in southern Arizona, Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section Meeting, April 10-14, 1952, Tucson, Arizona: Arizona Geological Society, p. 50, scale 1:150,000.
Geology of the Saguaro National Monument area, Pima County, Arizona
McColly, R.A., 1961, Geology of the Saguaro National Monument area, Pima County, Arizona: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 80 p.
Devonian stratigraphy of Cochise, Pima, Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona, and Hidalgo County, New Mexico
LeMone, D.V., 1959, Devonian stratigraphy of Cochise, Pima, Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona, and Hidalgo County, New Mexico: Tucson, University of Arizona, M.S. thesis, 108 p.