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Rock Springs area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Road log and trip guide - Day three, in DeWitt, Ed, ed., Proterozoic ore deposits of the southwestern U.S.; Guidebook prepared for Society of Economic Geologists Field Conference - 22-24 October 1987
Kay Copper big mine
Norman, Sidney, 1919, Kay Copper big mine: Northwest Mining Truth [Spokane, Wash.], v. 4, no. 5, April 18, p. 1.
Winter cloud seeding potential on the Mogollon Rim, Final report, Volume III, Appendix B: Estimation of winter precipitation on the Mogollon Rim with a simple local-scale model, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under...
U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, 1995, Winter cloud seeding potential on the Mogollon Rim, Final report, Volume III, Appendix B: Estimation of winter precipitation on the Mogollon Rim with a simple local-scale model, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under IGA-0-AG-30-08290: Denver, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Report R-95-11, 15 p. [available from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA, 22161, as PB96-106968].
Modeling winter storms over Arizona, Final report, Volume II, Appendix A: Users guide for the Arizona airflow and microphysics model, prepared for Arizona Department of Water Resources under IGA-0-AG-30-08290
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Flood damage report 28 February-6 March 1978 on the storm and floods in Maricopa County, Arizona
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District, 1979, Flood damage report 28 February-6 March 1978 on the storm and floods in Maricopa County, Arizona: Los Angeles, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 75 p.
Present and future water use and its effect on planning in Maricopa County, Arizona
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Compilation of flood data for Maricopa County, Arizona through September 1965
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Preliminary geologic map of the New River quadrangle, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, Arizona
Bryant, Bruce, 1994, Preliminary geologic map of the New River quadrangle, Maricopa and Yavapai Counties, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-0153, 17 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks of south-central Yavapai County, Arizona, in Heindl, L.A., ed., Cenozoic Geology of Arizona - A Symposium
St. Clair, Charles, 1962, Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks of south-central Yavapai County, Arizona, in Heindl, L.A., ed., Cenozoic Geology of Arizona - A Symposium: Arizona Geological Society Digest, v. 5, p. 59-72.
Arizona floods of September 5 and 6, 1970
Zimmerman, A.L., 1971, Arizona floods of September 5 and 6, 1970: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Natural Disaster Survey Report 70-2, 39 p.