Nowell, G.M., 1995, Magmatic evidence for lithospheric thinning beneath the central Colrado [sic] Plateau between 28.5Ma and 4Ma [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 76, no. 46, p. F619-620.
San Francisco Volcanic Field
Placename Counties
Placename Includes
Placename Label
Magmatic evidence for lithospheric thinning beneath the central Colrado [sic] Plateau between 28.5Ma and 4Ma [abs.]
Heat flow and Cenozoic geogynamics [sic] of the southwestern Colorado Plateau [abs.]
Morgan, Paul, Sass, J.H., Grubb, F.V., and Wiliams, C.F., 1995, Heat flow and Cenozoic geogynamics [sic] of the southwestern Colorado Plateau [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 76, no. 46, p. F619.
Seismicity of the Cataract Creek fault system, Colorado Plateau, Arizona [abs.]
Brumbaugh, D.S., and Bausch, D.B., 1995, Seismicity of the Cataract Creek fault system, Colorado Plateau, Arizona [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 76, no. 46, p. F619.
Three-dimensional analysis of Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data for upper Cenozoic volcanic rocks, Colorado Platueau-Basin and Range transition zone [abs.]
Nealey, L.D., Unruh, D.M., Ludwig, K.R., and Maldonado, Florian, 1995, Three-dimensional analysis of Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data for upper Cenozoic volcanic rocks, Colorado Platueau-Basin and Range transition zone [abs.]: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 76, no. 46, p. F684.
Field guide (with road logs) to selected parts of the western and central San Francisco Volcanic Field, Coconino County, Arizona, September 24-26, 1982
Ulrich, G.E., and Holm, R.F., 1982, Field guide (with road logs) to selected parts of the western and central San Francisco Volcanic Field, Coconino County, Arizona, September 24-26, 1982: Arizona Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, 13 p.
Preliminary report of investigations of springs in the Mogollon Rim region, Arizona, with sections on: Base flow of streams, by N.D. White, and Quality of water, by J.D. Hem
Feth, J.H., 1954, Preliminary report of investigations of springs in the Mogollon Rim region, Arizona, with sections on: Base flow of streams, by N.D. White, and Quality of water, by J.D. Hem: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report [unnumbered], Tucson, Ariz., June 1954, 100 p., 4 sheets, scales 1:80,000, 1:95,000, and 1:1,600,000.
Ground-water resources of the Holbrook region, Arizona
Harrell, M.A., and Eckel, E.B., 1939, Ground-water resources of the Holbrook region, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 836-B, 105 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:500,000.
The Verde Valley, in Goetz, A.F.H., and others, Application of ERTS images and image processing to regional geologic problems and geologic mapping in northern Arizona
Elston, D.P., 1975, The Verde Valley, in Goetz, A.F.H., and others, Application of ERTS images and image processing to regional geologic problems and geologic mapping in northern Arizona: Pasadena, California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Technical Report 32-1597, p. 81-88.
Application of ERTS images and image processing to regional geologic problems and geologic mapping in northern Arizona
Goetz, A.F.H., Billingsley, F.C., Gillespie, A.R., Abrams, M.J., Squires, R.L., Shoemaker, E.M., Lucchitta, I., and Elston, D.P., 1975, Application of ERTS images and image processing to regional geologic problems and geologic mapping in northern Arizona: Pasadena, California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Technical Report 32-1597, 188 p.
Magma mixing in the San Francisco Volcanic Field, AZ, petrogenesis of the O'Leary Peak and Strawberry Crater volcanics
Bloomfield, A.L., and Arculus, R.J., 1989, Magma mixing in the San Francisco Volcanic Field, AZ, petrogenesis of the O'Leary Peak and Strawberry Crater volcanics: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 102, no. 4, p. 429-453.