Pearthree, P.A., McKittrick, M.A., Jackson, G.W., and Demsey, K.A., 1988, Geologic map of Quaternary and upper Tertiary deposits, Tucson 1o x 2o quadrangle, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 88-21, 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Santa Rosa Mts.
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Geologic map of Quaternary and upper Tertiary deposits, Tucson 1o x 2o quadrangle, Arizona
Soil associations, western half of the Tucson 1o x 2o quadrangle [(a) northern half, (b) southern half]
Morrison, R.B., 1977, Soil associations, western half of the Tucson 1o x 2o quadrangle [(a) northern half, (b) southern half]: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 83-02, 5 p., 2 sheets, scale 1:120,000.
Slope-relief of the western half of the Tucson 2o x 1o area, Arizona
Morrison, R.B., 1977, Slope-relief of the western half of the Tucson 2o x 1o area, Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 83-01, 1 sheet, scale 1:120,000.
Tucson 1o x 2o quadrangle, ease of excavation and potential erodibility, phases 4 and 5
Morrison, R.B., 1975, Tucson 1o x 2o quadrangle, ease of excavation and potential erodibility, phases 4 and 5: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 83-03, 3 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:250,000.
Soil associations of the Tucson-Ajo area 2o x 1o area, Arizona (eastern half)
Morrison, R.B., 1970, Soil associations of the Tucson-Ajo area 2o x 1o area, Arizona (eastern half): Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 83-17, 2 sheets, scale 1:120,000.
Geomorphic (landform) features of the Tucson-Ajo 2o x 1o area, Arizona (eastern half)
Morrison, R.B., 1970, Geomorphic (landform) features of the Tucson-Ajo 2o x 1o area, Arizona (eastern half): Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 83-16, 2 sheets, scale 1:120,000.
Lead and zinc, in Mineral and water resources of Arizona
Moore, R.T., 1969, Lead and zinc, in Mineral and water resources of Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin 180, p. 182-205.
Audio-magnetotelluric measurements on the Papago Indian Reservation in Arizona, in Geological Survey research 1978
Long, C.L., 1978, Audio-magnetotelluric measurements on the Papago Indian Reservation in Arizona, in Geological Survey research 1978: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1100, p. 172.
The geoelectric structure in the Santa Rosa Mountains quadrangle, Arizona, defined by audiomagnetotelluric measurements [abs.]
Long, C.L., 1977, The geoelectric structure in the Santa Rosa Mountains quadrangle, Arizona, defined by audiomagnetotelluric measurements [abs.]: Geophysics, v. 42, p. 1520-1521.
Index of mining properties in Pima County, Arizona
Keith, Stanton B., 1974, Index of mining properties in Pima County, Arizona: Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin 189, 156 p. [reprinted 1984, Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology].