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Sierra Ancha
Placename Counties
Placename Includes
Placename Label
Base- and precious-metal concentrations of Early Proterozoic massive sulfide deposits in Arizona -- Crustal and thermochemical controls of ore deposition
The access road program of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in Arizona
Chenoweth, W.L., 1989, The access road program of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Report CR-89-A, 4 p.
Index to geologic maps in the Mesa 1o x 2o quadrangle, Arizona
Skotnicki, Steve, 1993, Index to geologic maps in the Mesa 1o x 2o quadrangle, Arizona: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-19, 18 p., 3 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
Preliminary report of investigations of springs in the Mogollon Rim region, Arizona, with sections on: Base flow of streams, by N.D. White, and Quality of water, by J.D. Hem
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The relationship of stream flow to precipitation on the Salt River watershed above Roosevelt Dam
Cooperrider, C.K., and Sykes, G.G., 1938, The relationship of stream flow to precipitation on the Salt River watershed above Roosevelt Dam: Tucson, University of Arizona, College of Agriculture, Agricultural Experiment Station, Technical Bulletin no. 76, 69 p.
The geology and geochemistry of Cenozoic topaz rhyolites from the western United States
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Potassium-argon dating of igneous and metamorphic rocks with applications to the basin ranges of Arizona and Sonora, in Hamilton, E.I., and Farquhar, R.M., eds., Radiometric dating for geologists
Damon, P.E., 1968, Potassium-argon dating of igneous and metamorphic rocks with applications to the basin ranges of Arizona and Sonora, in Hamilton, E.I., and Farquhar, R.M., eds., Radiometric dating for geologists: London, Interscience Publishers, p. 1-71.
Middle Proterozoic diabase intrusions in the southwestern U.S.A. as indicators of limited extensional tectonism, in Gower, C.F., Rivers, T., and Ryan, B., eds., Mid-Proterozoic Laurentia-Baltica
Hammond, J.G., 1990, Middle Proterozoic diabase intrusions in the southwestern U.S.A. as indicators of limited extensional tectonism, in Gower, C.F., Rivers, T., and Ryan, B., eds., Mid-Proterozoic Laurentia-Baltica: Geological Association of Canada Special Paper 38, p. 517-534.
Mineral deposits in Middle and Late Proterozoic strata in the United States cordilleran region, in Link, P.K., ed., Middle and Late Proterozoic stratified rocks of the western U.S. cordillera, Colorado Plateau, and Basin and Range...
Pearson, R.C., 1993, Mineral deposits in Middle and Late Proterozoic strata in the United States cordilleran region, in Link, P.K., ed., Middle and Late Proterozoic stratified rocks of the western U.S. cordillera, Colorado Plateau, and Basin and Range Province, Chap. 6, in Reed, J.C., Jr., and others, eds., Precambrian: Conterminous U.S.: Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. C-2, p. 565-569, refs. p. 575-595.
Precambrian paleontology of the western conterminous United States and northwestern Mexico, in Link, P.K., ed., Middle and Late Proterozoic stratified rocks of the western U.S. cordillera, Colorado Plateau, and Basin and Range Province,...
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