Moulton, D.L., 1992, DRASTIC analysis of the potential for groundwater pollution in Pinal County, Arizona, with A fissures study, by Steven Slaff: Arizona Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-13, [82] p., 11 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
Tat Momoli Mts.
Placename Counties
Placename Label
DRASTIC analysis of the potential for groundwater pollution in Pinal County, Arizona, with A fissures study, by Steven Slaff
Mineral resources, with appendix - List of mines and prospects, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona
Jones, G.M., 1990, Mineral resources, with appendix - List of mines and prospects, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-0276, p. 68-129.
Geophysics - Electrical and seismic methods, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona
Bisdorf, R.J., 1990, Geophysics - Electrical and seismic methods, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-0276, p. 65-67.
Geophysics - Remote sensing, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona
Hummer-Miller, S., and Knepper, D.H., Jr., 1990, Geophysics - Remote sensing, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-0276, p. 57-64.
Geophysics - Gravity and magnetic methods, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona
Ponce, D.A., 1990, Geophysics - Gravity and magnetic methods, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-0276, p. 41-56.
Geochemistry, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona
Chaffee, M.A., 1990, Geochemistry, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-0276, p. 19-40.
Geology, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona
Peterson, J.A., Bergquist, J.R., Reynolds, S.J., and Page-Nedell, S.S., 1990, Geology, in Peterson, J.A., ed., Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-0276, p. 8-18.
Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona
Peterson, J.A., ed., 1990, Preliminary mineral resource assessment of the Tucson and Nogales 1o by 2o quadrangles, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-0276, 134 p., 24 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
Correlation of Precambrian diabase in Arizona and southern California [abs.]
Wrucke, C.T., and Shride, A.F., 1972, Correlation of Precambrian diabase in Arizona and southern California [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 4, no. 3, p. 265-266.
Geology and mineral commodities of the Middle Proterozoic Apache Group, Arizona [abs.]
Wrucke, C.T., and Desborough, G.A., 1987, Geology and mineral commodities of the Middle Proterozoic Apache Group, Arizona [abs.]: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, no. 7, p. 899.