Libby, F., Wallace, D.E., and Spangler, D.P., 1970, Seismic refraction studies of the subsurface geology of Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, Arizona, ARS 41-164: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, 14 p.
Tombstone Hills
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Seismic refraction studies of the subsurface geology of Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed, Arizona, ARS 41-164
Soil survey of Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed: A special report
Gelderman, F.W., 1970, Soil survey of Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed: A special report: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service and Agricultural Research Service, 54 p.
Hydrologic and sediment responses to simulated rainfall on desert hillslopes in southern Arizona
Abrahams, A.D., Parsons, A.J., and Luk, Shiu-Hung, 1988, Hydrologic and sediment responses to simulated rainfall on desert hillslopes in southern Arizona: Catena, v. 15, no. 2, p. 103-117.
Geochemistry and geology of the Pinal Schist, Cochise and Pima Counties, Arizona
Copeland, P., 1986, Geochemistry and geology of the Pinal Schist, Cochise and Pima Counties, Arizona: Socorro, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, M.S. thesis, 176 p.
Relation between sediment yield and gradient on debris-covered hillslopes, Walnut Gulch, Arizona
Abrahams, A.D., and Parsons, A.J., 1991, Relation between sediment yield and gradient on debris-covered hillslopes, Walnut Gulch, Arizona: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 103, no. 8, p. 1109-1113.
Sedimentology and tectonic significance of Wolfcampian (lower Permian) conglomerates in the Pedregosa Basin: Southeastern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, and northern Mexico
Armin, R.A., 1987, Sedimentology and tectonic significance of Wolfcampian (lower Permian) conglomerates in the Pedregosa Basin: Southeastern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, and northern Mexico: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 99, no. 1, p. 42-65.
Trip 16: Tombstone, Bisbee, Courtland-Gleeson, Pearce, Johnson Camp - Bootprints Along the Cordillera, Porphyry Copper Deposits from Alaska to Chile
Briscoe, J.A., 1994, Trip 16: Tombstone, Bisbee, Courtland-Gleeson, Pearce, Johnson Camp - Bootprints Along the Cordillera, Porphyry Copper Deposits from Alaska to Chile: Arizona Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, [276] p.
Late Cretaceous paleomagnetism of the Tombstone District and vicinity: Evidence for a rotational domain boundary in southeastern Arizona
Hagstrum, J.T., Lipman, P.W., and Moore, R.B., 1994, Late Cretaceous paleomagnetism of the Tombstone District and vicinity: Evidence for a rotational domain boundary in southeastern Arizona: Tectonics, v. 13, no. 5, p. 1295-1308.
Four Corners - Intermountain area
Stevenson, G.M., and Baars, D.L., 1981, Four Corners - Intermountain area: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 65, no. 10, p. 1840-1842.
Drilling activity light in Arizona but there's still hope for increase in 1981
Rountree, Russ, 1981, Drilling activity light in Arizona but there's still hope for increase in 1981: Western Oil Reporter, v. 38, no. 9, p. 155, 157.