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Tucson Basin
Placename Counties
Placename Label
An overview of Pima County's watersheds and watercourses
Natural occurrence of arsenic in Southwest ground water
Spencer, J.E., 2002, Natural occurrence of arsenic in Southwest ground water: Southwest Hydrology, v. 1, no. 1, p. 14-15.
Boron isotope tracer tests at the Sweetwater recharge facilities, Tucson, Arizona [abs.], in Annual Symposium, 14th, September 12-15, 2001, Proceedings
Quast, K.W., Bassett, R.L., Arnold, L.R., Kim, J., and Craddock, W., 2001, Boron isotope tracer tests at the Sweetwater recharge facilities, Tucson, Arizona [abs.], in Annual Symposium, 14th, September 12-15, 2001, Proceedings: Arizona Hydrologic Society, p. 53-54
Analysis of infiltration along an ephemeral stream: limitations to the application of the heat tracer method [abs.], in Annual Symposium, 14th, September 12-15, 2001, Proceedings
Bailey, M.A., 2001, Analysis of infiltration along an ephemeral stream: limitations to the application of the heat tracer method [abs.], in Annual Symposium, 14th, September 12-15, 2001, Proceedings: Arizona Hydrologic Society, p. 49-50
Half-graben structure of the Tucson and Safford Basins [abs], in Annual Symposium, 14th, September 12-15, 2001, Proceedings
Spencer, J.E., and Johnson, R.A., 2001, Half-graben structure of the Tucson and Safford Basins [abs], in Annual Symposium, 14th, September 12-15, 2001, Proceedings: Arizona Hydrologic Society, p. 30-31
Measurement of groundwater storage change and specific yield using temporal gravity methods near Rillito Creek, Tucson, Arizona [abs.], in Geddis, A.M., ed., Water use in Arizona: Cooperation or conflict?, extended abstracts from the...
Schmidt, W., and Pool, D.R., 1995, Measurement of groundwater storage change and specific yield using temporal gravity methods near Rillito Creek, Tucson, Arizona [abs.], in Water use in Arizona: Cooperation or conflict?, Annual Symposium, 8th, September 14-16, 1995, Proceedings: Arizona Hydrological Society, 8-9 p.
Hydrogeochemistry of ground water recharge in alluvial southern Arizona, in Proceedings, Third Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater in Arizona, May 20-21, 1987
Hem, J.D., and Robertson, F.N., 1987, Hydrogeochemistry of ground water recharge in alluvial southern Arizona, in Proceedings, Third Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Groundwater in Arizona, May 20-21, 1987: Salt River Project, p. 30-51.
Potential for aquifer compaction, land subsidence, and earth fissures in the Tucson Basin, Pima County, Arizona
Anderson, S.R., 1988, Potential for aquifer compaction, land subsidence, and earth fissures in the Tucson Basin, Pima County, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA-713, 3 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
Quality of surface water and ground water in the proposed artificial-recharge project area, Rillito Creek basin, Tucson, Arizona, 1994
Tadayon, Saeid, 1995, Quality of surface water and ground water in the proposed artificial-recharge project area, Rillito Creek basin, Tucson, Arizona, 1994: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4270, 26 p.
Causes of sinks near Tucson, Arizona, USA
Hoffmann, J.P., Pool, D.R., Konieczki, A.D., and Carpenter, M.C., 1998, Causes of sinks near Tucson, Arizona, USA: Hydrogeology Journal, v. 6, p. 349-364.