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Winslow area
Placename Counties
Placename Label
Geohydrologic data in the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservation, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, Part 3: Selected lithologic logs, drillers' logs, and stratigraphic sections
Geohydrologic data in the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservation, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, Part 2: Selected chemical analyses of ground-water
Kister, L.R., and Hatchett, J.L., 1963, Geohydrologic data in the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservation, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, Part 2: Selected chemical analyses of ground-water: Arizona State Land Department Water Resources Report no. 12-B, 58 p.
Geohydrologic data in the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservation, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, Part 1: Records of ground-water supplies
Davis, G.E., Hardt, W.F., Thompson, L.K., and Cooley, M.E., 1963, Geohydrologic data in the Navajo and Hopi Indian Reservation, Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah, Part 1: Records of ground-water supplies: Arizona State Land Department Water Resources Report no. 12-A, 159 p.
Groundwater exploration in northeastern Arizona using Landsat imagery, in Harwood, Gerald, ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 10
Foster, K.E., and DeCook, K.J., 1980, Groundwater exploration in northeastern Arizona using Landsat imagery, in Harwood, Gerald, ed., Hydrology and water resources in Arizona and the Southwest, V. 10: American Water Resources Association, Arizona Section, and Arizona Academy of Science, Hydrology Section, Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nev., 1980, Proceedings, p. 187-192.
Springerville Generating Station water management plan
E.L. Montgomery and Associates, 1986, Springerville Generating Station water management plan: [Tucson, Ariz.] Tucson Electric Power Company, preliminary report.
Hydrology of the Little Colorado River system, Special report to the Settlement Committee, in re The general adjudication of the Little Colorado River system and source
Arizona Department of Water Resources, 1989, Hydrology of the Little Colorado River system, Special report to the Settlement Committee, in re The general adjudication of the Little Colorado River system and source: Arizona Department of Water Resources, [variously paged].
Techniques of groundwater development in the Navajo Country-Arizona, New Mexico and Utah, U.S.A., in Groundwater in arid zones, Symposium of Athens
Harshbarger, J.W., 1961, Techniques of groundwater development in the Navajo Country-Arizona, New Mexico and Utah, U.S.A., in Groundwater in arid zones, Symposium of Athens: International Association of Scientific Hydrology Publications, v. 2, no. 57, p. 657-679.
Ground-water flow and uranium in Colorado Plateau
Ortiz, N.V., Ferentchak, J.A., Ethridge, F.G., Granger, H.C., and Sunada, D.K., 1980, Ground-water flow and uranium in Colorado Plateau: Ground Water (Journal of Association of Ground Water Scientists and Engineers), v. 18, no. 6, p. 596-606.
Generalized hydrogeology and ground-water budget for the C Aquifer, Little Colorado River Basin and parts of the Verde and Salt River basin, Arizona and New Mexico
Hart, R.J., Ward, J.J., Bills, D.J., and Flynn, M.E., 2002, Generalized hydrogeology and ground-water budget for the C Aquifer, Little Colorado River Basin and parts of the Verde and Salt River basin, Arizona and New Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4026, 47 p., 1 sheet.
Geologic, hydrologic, and chemical data from the C aquifer near Leupp, Arizona
Hoffmann, J.P., Bills, D.J., Phillips, J.V., and Halford, K.J., 2005, Geologic, hydrologic, and chemical data from the C aquifer near Leupp, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5280, 49p.