Bryant, Bruce, 1995, Geologic map, cross-sections, isotopic dates, and mineral deposits of the Alamo Lake 30' x 60' quadrangle, west-central Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2489, 3 sheets, scale 1:100,000.
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Map, Bedrock, Surficial, Geochronology, Cross-section, Swansea Plutonic Suite - Miocene/Oligocene(?), [Tank Pass granite][granite of Tank Pass] - Cretaceous, Peach Springs Tuff, Planet Volcanics - Jurassic, Vampire Fm, Buckskin Fm - Triassic or Jurassic, granite of granite of Olea Ranch(granites of Olea Ranch)(Yavapai granite gneiss)(Mohave Border granite)(County Line batholith)(Burro Creek granite)(Nothing granite) - Middle Proterozoic, Poachie Range gneiss, granite of Joshua Tree Parkway(granites of Joshua Parkway), granite of Grayback Mountain(granites of Grayback Mountain) (Grayback Mountain area), granite of Thorn Peak - Early Proterozoic, [Sierra Ancha diabase][Apache diabase][Mescal diabase], [Arrastra volcanics][Arrastra Mtn. volcanics][McLendon volcanic rocks][McLendon volcanics] - Miocene/Oligocene(?), Aubrey Peak rhyolite, Bill Williams Mtns. rhyolite - volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of Bill Williams Mountains, Bill Williams Mtns. dike, basalt of Mesa 2900, basalt of Mohave Wash, basalt of Black Mesa near Centennial Wash (Rawhide Mts.), basalt of hill 2154 (Aubrey Peak area), basalt of Black Mountain (Castaneda Hills)(Black Mountain flow), Castaneda Hills basalt, Castaneda Hills rhyolite, Castaneda megacrystic basalt, Castaneda qtz-bearing basalt, Date Creek Basin basalt, Date Creek Basin dike, Manganese Mesa Basalt, [rhyodacite flows of McLendon Peak][McLendon Peak rhyodacite], Poachie Range gneiss - Early Proterozoic, Rawhide Mtns. gneiss, Santa Maria basalt, Signal Granite - Middle Proterozoic, (Artillery Peak pluton), (Greenwood Peak pluton), Potts Mtn. rhyolite,