Karlstrom, K.E., Bowring, S.A., and Conway, C.M., 1987, Tectonic significance of an Early Proterozoic two-province boundary in central Arizona: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 99, no. 4, p. 529-538.
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Mineral District, Figure, Bedrock, Geochronology, Plate Tectonics, Structure, Folding, Faulting, Metamorphic Petrology, [Yavapai Schist][Yavapai Series][Yavapai Group][Yavapai Supergroup] - Early Proterozoic, [Red Rock Rhyolite][Red Rock Fm] - [Tonto Basin Felsic Complex][Red Rock Group] - Tonto Basin Supergroup, Red Rock Group, Mazatzal Group, Alder Group(Alder Series)(Alder Fm), [Crazy Basin Quartz Monzonite][Crazy Basin Monzogranite], Payson Granite - [Diamond Rim Intrusive Suite][Tonto Basin Felsic Complex], [Payson ophiolite](Payson diorite)[Gibson Creek batholith][diorite-gabbro of Gibson Creek][Gibson Creek complex](Gibson Creek diorite), East Verde River Fm(East Verde River sequence) - Union Hills Group/Tonto Basin Supergroup, Texas Gulch Fm, Butte Falls Tuff(Butte Falls rhyolite tuff), (coarse-grained granite of Burro Canyon (AZ))(granite at Burro Canyon (AZ))Signal Granite, Cleopatra Fm(Cleopatra crystal tuff)(Cleopatra quartz porphyry)(Cleopatra Mbr - [Deception Rhyolite][Deception Fm]) - Ash Creek Group, [Spud Mountain Volcanics - Big Bug Group][Spud Mountain Fm - Mayer Group], Brady Butte Granodiorite, Government Canyon Granodiorite, [quartz diorite of Mingus Mountain Cherry Creek area][Cherry batholith][quartz diorite of Cherry][tonalite of Cherry][quartz diorite of Cherry Creek][Cherry Springs quartz diorite][tonalite of Cherry Springs] - Cherry Springs batholith, Bumblebee Granodiorite, [Badger Spring Granodiorite][Badger Springs Granodiorite], [Bland quartz diorite][quartz diorite of Bland][Bland Hill quartz diorite][quartz diorite of Bland Hill][diorite of Bland Hill], Flying W Fm, [Mazatzal Peak Fm][Mazatzal Peak Quartzite](Mazatzal Quartzite) - Mazatzal Group, [Hells Gate rhyolite][rhyolite of Hells Gate][rhyolite of the Hells Gate area] (Diamond Butte area), [Sunflower granite][granite of Sunflower], [Young granite][granite of Young][granite at Young] - Diamond Rim Intrusive Suite,