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Carson Richardson, Ph.D.
Chief, Mineral Resources & Bedrock Geology
1955 East Sixth Street
PO Box 210184
Tucson, AZ 85721
- Ph.D., 2019, Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA
- M.S., 2014, Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA
- B.S., 2012, Geology and Anthropology, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA
Current and Recent Projects
- Structural geology and mineral resources (porphyry copper and sedimentary lithium) of the Big Sandy Valley, northwestern Arizona
- Geochemistry and byproduct critical mineral potential of Laramide porphyry copper systems, Arizona
- Reevaluating mine waste for critical minerals and reprocessing
- Geologic evolution of the northern Nevada Au(-Cu-Mo) province
Research Interests
- Geometry and growth of normal faults
- Structural and tectonic evolution of southwestern North America
- Structural reconstructions of faulted ore deposits and extensional domains
- Economic geology (particularly porphyry and related deposits)
- Relationships between magmatism, faulting, fluid flow, and ore deposition
- Societal understanding of mineral resources, resource use, environmental impacts, and resource consumption
Selected Publications
- Richardson, C. A., and Seedorff, E., 2023, Exploring for structurally concealed Carlin-type mineralization: A case study from the northern Shoshone Range, Nevada, USA: Ore Geology Reviews, v. 163, article 105738,
- Richardson, C. A., Favorito, D. A., Runyon, S. E., Seedorff, E., Maher, D. J., Barton, M. D., and Greig, R. E., 2019, Superimposed Laramide contraction, porphyry copper systems, and Cenozoic extension, east-central Arizona: A road log, in Pearthree, P. A., ed., Geologic Excursions in Southwestern North America, Geological Society of America Field Guide 55, p. 337-367,
- Richardson, C. A., and Seedorff, E., 2017, Estimating friction in normal fault systems of the Basin and Range province and examining its geological context, in Turner, J. P., Healy, D., Hillis, R. R., and Welch, M. J., eds., Geomechanics and Geology, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, v. 458, p. 155-179,
- Richardson, C. A., and Seedorff, E., 2015, Reconstruction of normal fault blocks in the Ann-Mason and Blue Hill areas, Yerington district, Lyon county, western Nevada, in Pennell, W. M., and Garside, L. J., eds., New Concepts and Discoveries: Geological Society of Nevada Symposium Proceedings, May 2015, Sparks, Nevada, v. 2, p. 1153-1178.
I joined the Arizona Geological Survey in January 2019 as a Research Scientist in economic geology / mineral resources. My training is in structural geology and economic geology, with particular emphasis on the effects of structural geology on the modern distribution of mineral resources. I conduct field-based research programs collecting detailed observations on bedrock geology, structural geology, and hydrothermal alteration-mineralization features to determine spatial and cross-cutting relationships, and quantify them when possible with geochronology and thermochronology, to better understand the larger time-space evolution of the field area. In order to test structural and geologic interpretations, I utilize cross-sectional restorations to not only determine their validity, but to suggest potential exploration strategies for faulted mineral deposits. Lastly, I am interested in helping the public understand the uses and applications of mineral resources, how fundamentally interwoven theses resources are into our everyday lives, and the environmental impacts of resource extraction.