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Chong Ma, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
- B.S., 2008, Resource Exploration, Hefei University of Technology, Anhui
- M.S., 2011, Structural Geology and Tectonics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing
- Ph.D., 2015, Geology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
Current and Recent Projects
- Geology of the Hualapai Mountains, NW Arizona
- Structural control on orogenic gold mineralization along Neoarchean deformation zones in the Swayze-Michipicoten-Mishibishu greenstone belts, Abitibi and Wawa terranes, Superior craton
Selected Publications
Chong Ma, Jeffrey Marsh, Robert W. D. Lodge, Michael Tamosauskas, Ross Sherlock, Bruno Lafrance, Phil Thurston, John Ayer, 2023. Formation of Archean greenstone belts: Insights from an assemblage-scale study in the western Superior craton. Precambrian Research, v. 395, p. 107150,
Chong Ma, Jeffery Marsh, Robert Lodge, Ross Sherlock, 2022. Crustal growth/reworking and the stabilization of the western Superior Province: Insights from a Neoarchean gneiss complex of the Winnipeg River terrane. Geological Society of America Bulletin,
Chong Ma, Jaroslaw Majka, Jeffrey A. Benowitz, Christopher Barnes, Håkan Sjöström, David G. Gee, Mark G. Steltenpohl, 2022. Exhumation of continental margin rocks from mantle depths to orogenic foreland: Example from the Seve Nappe Complex of the central Scandinavian Caledonides. International Journal of Earth Science, v. 111, p. 2925–2950.
Chong Ma, Willis Hames, David Foster, Wenjiao Xiao, Paul Mueller, Mark Steltenpohl, 2022. Transformation of eastern North America from compression to extension in the Permian–Triassic, in Steven J. Whitmeyer; Michael L. Williams; Dawn A. Kellett; Basil Tikoff, eds., Laurentia: Turning Points in the Evolution of a Continent. Geological Society of America Memoir 220,
Chong Ma, Mostafa Naghizadeh, Ademola Adetunji, Robert Lodge, David Snyder, Ross Sherlock, 2021. Imaging Neoarchean crustal structures: An integrated geologic-seismic-magnetotelluric study in the western Wabigoon and Winnipeg River terranes, Superior craton. Precambrian Research, v. 364, p. 106339,
Chong Ma, David A. Foster, Paul A. Mueller, Barbara L. Dutrow, Jeffery Marsh, 2021. Mesozoic crustal melting and metamorphism in the U.S. Cordilleran hinterland: Insights from the Sawtooth metamorphic complex, central Idaho. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 133, no. 9-10, p. 2031–2050.
Chong Ma, Dane VanDervoort, Mark Steltenpohl, Joshua Schwartz, 2019. Formation and orogen-parallel transport of the Dadeville Complex, Alabama, USA: Implications for the Taconian orogeny in the southern Appalachians. American Journal of Science, v. 319, no. 7, p. 582–630, doi:10.2475/07.2019.03.
Chong Ma, David Foster, Willis Hames, Paul Mueller, Mark Steltenpohl, 2019. From the Alleghanian to the Atlantic: Extensional collapse of the southernmost Appalachian orogen. Geology, v. 47, p. 367–370, doi:10.1130/G46073.1.
Chong Ma, David Foster, Paul Mueller, Barbara Dutrow, 2017. Magma-facilitated transpressional strain partitioning within the Sawtooth metamorphic complex, Idaho: A zone accommodating Cretaceous orogen-parallel translation in the Idaho batholith. Tectonics, v. 36, p. 444–465, doi:10.1002/2016TC004264.
Chong Ma, Philip Bergeron, David Foster, Barbara Dutrow, Paul Mueller, Chrissy Allen, 2016. Detrital-zircon geochronology of the Sawtooth metamorphic complex, Idaho: Evidence for metamorphosed lower Paleozoic shelf strata within the Idaho batholith. Geosphere, v. 12, no. 4, p. 1136–1153, doi: 10.1130/GES01201.1.
Chong Ma, Wenjiao Xiao, Brian F. Windley, Guiping Zhao, Chunming Han, Ji’en Zhang, Jun Luo, Chao Li. 2012. Tracing a subducted ridge-transform system in a Late Carboniferous accretionary prism: Right-angle sanukitoid dyke swarms in Western Junggar, NW China. Lithos, v. 140-141, p. 152-165.
Chong Ma joined the Arizona Geological Survey in February 2024. He obtained his PhD in Geology at the University of Florida in 2015. He sees himself as a structural/field geologist who is passionate about geologic mapping and integration of multidisciplinary data. His research revolves around the formation, deformation, and evolution of mountain belts to understand the tectonic processes associated with subduction, accretion, collision, and extension of the crust. His work emphasizes synthesizing relevant data of multiple scales and disciplines into coherent discussions. Each project is based on geologic mapping and structural analysis and can be supported by any combination among whole-rock/zircon geochemistry, igneous petrology, U-Pb geochronology, 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology, reflection seismology, and magnetotellurics.