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Nathan Carey, M.S.
Research Scientist
economic geology, geochemistry, and petrology
- B.S., 2020, Geology, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
- M.S., 2022, Economic Geology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Nevada
Current and Recent Projects
- Age and genesis of W-Mo-Cu mineralization, Gold Hill, Utah
- Geochemistry and critical mineral byproduct potential of the Laramide Porphyry Belt, Arizona
- Inventorying mine waste in northwestern Arizona
- Reanalysis of legacy NURE samples and reconnaissance fieldwork for U-V and Mn potential, Colorado Plateau of Arizona
I am an economic geologist with broad interests and experience studying primarily porphyry and skarn deposits in the western US. I utilize field observations, petrology, mineral/whole rock chemistry, and geochronology to gain a better understanding of the ore-forming conditions, fluid evolution, and metal deportment of understudied ore deposits, with the goal of providing broader mineral exploration insights. Most recently, I worked as a project geologist in the mineral exploration industry where my main duty was logging core.