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Bill Williams-Bur
Statistical summaries of streamflow data and characteristics of drainage basins for selected streamflow-gaging stations in Arizona through water year 1996
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Water withdrawals for irrigation, municipal, mining, thermoelectric-power, and drainage uses in Arizona outside of active management areas, 1991-2000
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Region 7, Central alluvial basins, in Back, William, Rosenshein, J.S., and Seaber, P.R., eds., Hydrogeology
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Geologic and hydrologic characterization of the Basin and Range Province relative to the disposal of high-level radioactive waste, Part III, Geologic and hydrologic evaluation
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Geologic and hydrologic characterization and evaluation of the Basin and Range Province relative to the disposal of high-level radioactive waste, Part I, Introduction and guidelines
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Geologic and hydrologic characterization and evaluation of the Basin and Range Province relative to the disposal of high-level radioactive waste, Part II, Geologic and hydrologic characterization
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