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Peach Springs
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Measurements of wind, aeolian sand transport, and precipitation in the Colorado River corridor, Grand Canyon, Arizona - November 2003 to December 2004
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Water resources data, Arizona, water year 2004
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Water resources data, Arizona, water year 2005
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Breccia-pipe and geologic map of the southwestern part of the Hualapai Indian Reservation and vicinity, Arizona
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Paleogeography of the Horse Spring Formation in relation to the Lake Mead fault system, Virgin Mountains, Nevada and Arizona, in Beratan, K.K., ed., Reconstructing the history of Basin and Range extension using sedimentology and...
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Region 7, Central alluvial basins, in Back, William, Rosenshein, J.S., and Seaber, P.R., eds., Hydrogeology
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Maps showing ground-water units and withdrawal, Basin and Range Province, Arizona
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Maps showing ground-water levels, springs, and depth to ground water, Basin and Range Province, Arizona
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