Babcock, H.M., 1976, Annual summary of ground-water conditions in Arizona, Spring 1974 to Spring 1975: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations 76-0059 Open-File Report, 2 sheets, scale 1:1,000,000.
Pinal Ama-Elo
Annual summary of ground-water conditions in Arizona, Spring 1974 to Spring 1975
Arizona water resources assessment, V. II, Hydrologic summary
Arizona Department of Water Resources, 1994, Arizona water resources assessment, V. II, Hydrologic summary: Arizona Department of Water Resources, Hydrology Division, 236 [266] p.
Arizona water resources assessment, V. I, Inventory and analysis
Arizona Department of Water Resources, 1994, Arizona water resources assessment, V. I, Inventory and analysis: Arizona Department of Water Resources, 253 p.
An overview of Pima County's watersheds and watercourses
Tellman, Barbara, Glass, Clint, Wallace, John, and Fuller, J.E., 2000, An overview of Pima County's watersheds and watercourses: Pima County, Ariz., Sonoran Desert Conservation Plan Report, 215 p.
Environmental management of groundwater contamination in land subsidence and fissure areas
Larkin, H.D., II, 2001, Environmental management of groundwater contamination in land subsidence and fissure areas: Tempe, Arizona State University, M.S. thesis, 199 p.
Occurrence and distribution of pesticides and volatile organic compounds in ground water and surface water in central Arizona basins, 1996-98, and their relation to land use
Gellenbeck, D.J., and Anning, D.W., 2002, Occurrence and distribution of pesticides and volatile organic compounds in ground water and surface water in central Arizona basins, 1996-98, and their relation to land use: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4144, 107 p.
Methods for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods in the southwestern United States
Thomas, B.E., Hjalmarson, H.W., and Waltemeyer, S.D., 1997, Methods for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods in the southwestern United States: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2433, 195 p.
Simulation of delay in release of water from compaction in aquifer system [abs.], in American Geophysical Union, 1992 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, August 17-21, 1992
Leake, S.A., 1992, Simulation of delay in release of water from compaction in aquifer system [abs.], in American Geophysical Union, 1992 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, August 17-21, 1992: Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Supplement,v. 73, no. 25, p. 31.
Methods for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods in the southwestern United States
Thomas, B.E., Hjalmarson, H.W., and Waltemeyer, S.D., 1994, Methods for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods in the southwestern United States: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 93-0419, 211 p.
Aquifer compaction and ground-water levels in south-central Arizona
Evans, D.W., and Pool, D.R., 2000, Aquifer compaction and ground-water levels in south-central Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4249, 54 p.