U.S. Geological Survey, 1971, 1971 water resources data for Arizona - Part 2. Water quality records: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Data Report, 167 p. [NTIS PB-287 165].
Salt River-Brb
1971 water resources data for Arizona - Part 2. Water quality records
Geology and ground water in Verde Valley--The Mogollon Rim region, Arizona
Twenter, F.R., and Metzger, D.G., 1963, Geology and ground water in Verde Valley--The Mogollon Rim region, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1177, 132 p., 1 sheet, scale 1:62,500.
Geothermal waters of Arizona
Tellier, A.H., 1973, Geothermal waters of Arizona: Tempe, Arizona State University, M.S. thesis, 30 p.
Geothermal energy in Arizona - Final contract report
Stone, Claudia, and Witcher, J.C., 1982, Geothermal energy in Arizona - Final contract report: Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology Open-File Report 83-12, 398 p.
Aquifer geology of alluvial basins of Arizona, in Anderson, T.W., and Johnson, A.I., eds., Regional aquifer systems of the United States - Southwest alluvial basins of Arizona
Pool, D.R., 1986, Aquifer geology of alluvial basins of Arizona, in Anderson, T.W., and Johnson, A.I., eds., Regional aquifer systems of the United States - Southwest alluvial basins of Arizona: Bethesda, Md., American Water Resources Association Monograph Series no. 7, p. 25-36.
Aquifer geology of alluvial basins of Arizona, in Repogle, J.A., and Renard, K.G., eds., Water today and tomorrow, Specialty Conference, Irrigation and Drainage Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Flagstaff, Ariz., July...
Pool, D.R., 1984, Aquifer geology of alluvial basins of Arizona, in Repogle, J.A., and Renard, K.G., eds., Water today and tomorrow, Specialty Conference, Irrigation and Drainage Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Flagstaff, Ariz., July 24-26, 1984, Proceedings: American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 683-690.
Arizona well information
Peirce, H.W., and Scurlock, J.R., 1972, Arizona well information: Arizona Bureau of Mines Bulletin 185, 195 p. [reprinted 1988, Arizona Geological Survey].
Mesa NTMS 1o x 2o quadrangle area, Supplemental data report, Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance
Koller, G.R., 1980, Mesa NTMS 1o x 2o quadrangle area, Supplemental data report, Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance: U.S. Department of Energy Report GJBX-81(80), 61 p., 5 microfiche.
Digital colored residual and regional Bouguer gravity maps of the conterminous United States
Hildenbrand, T.G., Simpson, R.W., Godson, R.H., and Kane, M.F., 1982, Digital colored residual and regional Bouguer gravity maps of the conterminous United States: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 82-0284, 31 p.
Arizona water
Harshbarger, J.W., Lewis, D.D., Skibitzke, H.E., Heckler, W.L., and Kister, L.R., revised by H.L. Baldwin, 1966, Arizona water: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 1648, 85 p.